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What were they doing?

They had gone out to find the Kraang, some staying behind to see what they could do to destroy it, if possible.

"I don't think we can," Leonardo mumbled, watching the others.

April slammed her hand on the table, letting out a groan. "We have to figure somethin' out! We're doomed if not!" It was obvious everyone was slowly getting frustrated, both from imminent danger and what could happen if the key was taken back.

They groaned, slumping over with a complaint. "What have we tried? This is all taking so long, my attention span can't take this!" It drew a small chuckle out of Leon.

"We tried to jackhammer it, flamethrower it, throw acid on it-- I thought lasers cut through everything! How did that not work? There isn't even a scratch!"

"Maybe it was your aim."

"Maybe your big fat rat head got in the way!"

"Guys.." They mumbled quietly, "Can we not? We need to find something to.. do-- do something with it!" Leon followed with.

April sighed, sending an apologetic glance towards Splinter before nodding, opening her mouth to speak but being interrupted by a loud alarm blaring throughout the hideout. Being startled, they look around before turning to find the security footage. Kraang Two alongside her zombies and monsters practically invading their base, starting from the entrance. They had to get out as soon as possible.

"Hey, Leon, know how to ride a bike?" April grabbed her back, checking in momentarily before running off with Splints.

"Yeah, why?"

"We're gonna use the tank, baby! You're gonna go with them, they don't know how to ride one!"

He momentarily glanced back at the smaller version of them next to him, sighing.

Splinter sped through the lair on one of the two shell hogs, accompanying April in escort as she struck the Kraangs in their path and behind, specifically the ones that were chasing them.

"Come back here!" A voice boomed, causing destruction with every centimetre moved closer, leaving chaos behind. That's gonna be a pain to clean up...

"Run, insects! Just know your escape is impossible!" She yells, running after them. "The key, give it back to me! It belongs to me, its rightful owner!"

She knocks Splints and April off the shell hog, causing the other two to stop and fall back in aid. "Don't," April pleas, clutching her bag as if searching for something.

She rummages through her bag, chucking a baseball, several books, and the eventual herbicide vial she stole from her school. She falls back in pain, grasping at her face. "What did you do to me, to my face?!"

She turns to them, ready for another deadly chase as they start to flee again. "I told y'all it was nasty!"

"Just go!" They yelled, gesturing for Splints to speed up. "She's gonna be up our asses in seconds, go!! You too, peepaw, go!!"

Cut to where the other guys were, they were in the Metro Tower subway, Donnie started with "I knew this was a bad idea!"

"Leo, there's way too many. We should just turn back!" Mikey agreed, hugging himself with a frown as he watched the tunnel ahead of them grow darker and darker, but also littered with more Kraang-related goo. Growth, even?

"No!" He furrowed his brows, "We're gonna get to those stairs, got it? We push forward and get Raph. That's final." He continued to slash through a few, looking around.

It was interesting, to say the least, for Casey. His teacher, well, being an older, more mature version of the one in front of him, didn't act like this at all. He valued teamwork, hearing out every little detail possible before going through with plans. He silently watched their bickering, looking down at the tank floor with somewhat of a sad glaze.

"I need every little detail, Don! I don't want to keep anything out if it means it might be crucially important."

There was a small chuckle and a nudge towards Donnie, "Yeah, Don. Give him the info, yeah, it might not be important, but it's better to know, y'know!"

"Mikey.. don't encourage him..." Donnie sighed, fidgeting with his way-too-advanced Bo staff. "Fine! I'm gonna hate this. Come back to my lab and I'll show you the footage, so you can be a hundred per cent convinced that it was a false alarm."

Leon beamed at that, throwing his arms over both his brother's shoulders. "You lot are the best. Let's get goin'!"

It felt nice, listening to them. The only bad part was.. well... they were probably younger than him now, and he didn't even recognise the red one! Raph, was it? He hopes he can get it down before they rescue him.

In just a blinks worth of a moment, a Kraang growth vine slams down on the ground between them, separating the two groups. A subway bus seemingly possessed by Kraang rears up, ready to attack. Mikey turns towards it, lifting his hand and straining any sort of mystic force he had in himself to try and activate his 'mystic hands', not working as he's rather pushed down on the ground by Donnie to avoid the hit from the bus. Casey and Leo were nowhere visible, having dodged an entirely different direction than these two.

As his battle shell cracks, both turtles retreat to the tank, doors just barely closing by as the growth tries to force its way in. "Oh, oh, keep it down Vomitello."

"Oh," Mikey glanced around as if he could do anything. He probably could, too much anxiety and adrenaline aren't much of a good mix for a good thought, though.

"Keep it down, Donnie," he mumbled to himself, glancing around the tank before running to the panels.

The Kraang growth picks up the tank, enveloping and suspending it in the air. "We're trapped, I repeat, April, we're trapped!" Donnie gestured for Mikey to come over, fumbling with the tech as much as he could without messing up. "We're trapped in the subway under and leading to Metro Tower, the tank is low on and is running out of emergency power! It's getting covered in some Kraang growth." He paused, looking outside as he felt another battle shell placed and secured on his back. "I'd love to study it, but this is not the moment. Just help!!"

Mikey hugged his neck, leaning over his side with a small whine, "April, come quick, we're getting squished! We lost Leo and Casey, too!"

"We're on our way," she assured, "We'll save you lot, and we'll find the others."

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