The Me You've Never Seen

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Trott could say with a smile that Ross and Smiffy were his best friends. They had only known each other for just over a year, but they had been friends from day one. The first time they met was because of an accident. Ross had fallen into the water from the top of a cliff along the shore. Ross was a fine swimmer, but he was no match for the waves of the incoming tide. Trott had seen him fall. He had lived in the waters near the cliff most of his life, and this wasn't the first time someone had taken a fall from the cliff into the water below.

Trott had swam the man back to the shore where Smiff was now waiting. They were both grateful;They had thanked him more times than cared to remember. He just smiled at them, and told them he was happy he could help. Minutes after, they went on there way, disappearing into the forest. Trott had put them out of his mind, assuming he would never see them again. Just like every other land dweller that had crossed his path.

To his surprise, they returned the next day. They had apparently come back for the sole purpose of seeing him. He didn't understand their motives, but he didn't ask questions. He was always happy to have company, whatever the reason.

They properly introduced themselves this time. Trott was cautious when talking to them. He still expected them to just up and leave. They didn't. The two stayed with him nearly the whole day. They talked about anything and everything together. In this time, Trott learned that they had settled down to build a home just a few minutes away from the ocean. He quite liked the idea of having people living so close to him. It meant that he might actually have people to talk to now and then.

The two didn't end up leaving until late evening, when it was just starting to get dark. They told him goodbye and left with the promise of coming back as soon as they could, and they held true to that promise.

They couldn't visit him every day since they had to build their house, among other things, but they still came around pretty often. They made sure to come at least twice a week, and they usually stayed the whole day.

Trott was happier than he had ever been. He had never considered his life to be bad, but he had certainly been lonely. Now he had two best friends to share his life with. He couldn't describe how thankful he was to have them. They had become the center of his world without even trying. He always looked forward to their visits, to talking with them for hours on end. Seeing them leave at the end of the day was disappointing. Even so, he was still happy knowing that they would be back soon enough.

Sometimes he just wanted to go with them when they left him to go home. He had gone on land before, had walked along the beach and wandered in the forest. He had actually thought about living on land, though at the time he had decided against it. He wouldn't have anywhere to live on land, and there wasn't really anything for him there. Now though, he had Smiffy and Ross. They had made it clear that their home was his home as well. There was only one reason he hadn't already moved in with them.

The thought of Ross and Smiff seeing him without his skin, seeing what he really looked like, scared him. He wasn't sure why; He had no reason to believe they would think bad of him. They already knew he was a selkie, and had known for some time. They had only been friends for around two months when he told them. They had asked him what he looked like, asked him to take his walrus skin off and show them. He had panicked and refused, telling them that he would show them someday, but not today. They were kind about it. They told him it was fine, that he never had to show them if he didn't want to. They also told him he always had a home with them should he ever change his mind.

He wanted to show them. He really did, but there was something stopping him from doing so. Every time he thought of letting them see him without his skin, his mind filled with countless what ifs. What if it changes everything? What if they don't like how you look? What if you're not good enough for them? What if they don't want you anymore? What if they leave you? What if you end up being all alone again?

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