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CAUTIOUSLY, with his hands closed, Sawyer walked back into the house through the back door, his small body full of excitement as he made his way inside to show Tessa what he had just found in the garden

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CAUTIOUSLY, with his hands closed, Sawyer walked back into the house through the back door, his small body full of excitement as he made his way inside to show Tessa what he had just found in the garden.

Since they've been here in Charming, Sawyer has been different. He was still shy, but he slowly opened up to Maria. But the Lowman woman also had a lot of patience and knew that Sawyer simply had trust issues after living with people like Susy and Mike for years.

Maria also came to Charming alongside Tessa and Sawyer. Happy wouldn't have had a moment of peace if he had left his mother in Bakersfield while Mikael was still alive. The Killer was sure that his mother's ex wasn't that stupid and would risk getting tortured againᅳ but Happy still wanted to be on the safe side. As soon as Mike was no longer a problem, Maria could go back to Bakersfield, Happy had promised her that, since the woman was quite attached to her house.

"Mommy!" With small, quick steps, Sawyer ran through the living room and towards the kitchen where he heard something. However, he found Happy instead of his mom.

He cautiously looked at the tall man and had to tilt his head back to be able to look up at him. Silently, he sucked his lower lip between his teeth and tightened his hands around what he had found.

"Hey", Happy croaked, giving the little boy a small smile when he realized how reserved he was. "Your mom's on the phone."

Normally Happy would already be on his way to the clubhouse, but Tessa had gotten a spontaneous call and his mom was out in town with Gemma getting stuff for the next SAMCRO party this weekendᅳ and Happy didn't want to leave Sawyer alone in the garden unsupervised. So he had decided to wait until Tessa got back.

He hadn't spent much time with Sawyer, most of the time he was at the clubhouse and only came home for dinner and sleepᅳ for one simple reason. Happy wanted Tessa and Sawyer to spend time together alone, finally make up for the time that had been taken from them or reduced for years.

"Uh..okay.." Sawyer mumbled shyly, bringing his hands to his face to hide it a bit.

Great, awkward silence. But Sawyer was just too shy to start a conversation and Happy had never really been around kids muchᅳ but he couldn't just ignore the boy, right?

So, he looked around for some help, hoping that Tessa was already done talking on the phone, but he could still hear her muffled voice from the guest room. Of course he wondered who she was on the phone with, whether she was having problems or if it was just a friend on the other end of the lineᅳ but it was none of his business.

Sighing, he rubbed the back of his neck before crouching down in front of Sawyer and pointing his finger at the boy's closed hands. "What have you got there?"

"Uh...nothing special." Sheepishly, Sawyer looked at the man through his new glasses that Tessa had gotten for him as soon as they arrived in Charming a few days ago, not knowing if Happy was okay with him bringing animals into the house. But he really wanted to show his find to someone.

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