1: A Bitter Sweet Memory

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Chris would be among the first to admit that there was just something peaceful about sitting beside a lake day or night with some form of hot drink in your hands while the a fire crackled and popped away as it tried to fight back whatever chill there was though it did't keep her from pulling the moth eaten blanket which was draped over her shoulders that little bit tighter to her body as she shivered a little before going back to starring off into space while taking random sips from the mug which was now more empty than it was full, how long had it been now? since she came out here after walking away from everything she'd known when the world chose to turn on the Autobots forcing them to go on the run after they had fought not only to protect the human race from the Decepticons but had helped them in dealing with human based issues, though it was't like she did't feel for those who'd lost loved one's in the Chicago incident because she did as that kind of pain never went away no matter how much you wished that it could but placing the full blame for what happened on the Autobots was in no way fair and it had made her sick to her stomach while her heart shattered into a thousand tiny little pieces at the same time, biting her lip to keep it from trembling as she recalled the drive that she took with Optimus day's before everything changed...


Going for a late night drive with Optimus was nothing out of the ordinary as she'd done so meany time's so it would raise questions or even cause someone to bat an eyelid seeing them leave the base together for a few hours whenever there was a chance to do so though of course that was when their relationship had been more platonic compared to what it had become though only those they trusted knew this as those who were say higher up in the earthly chain of command would not be so open minded about it, though as they pulled away from the base and made their way down a familiar road she could't help but notice that he seemed almost nervous about something though what exactly she did't know as it was't something you'd see from him often or at all given that he always kept his emotions quite guard unless they were alone which they were right now so it was a little confusing but as they picked up a little speed and he rolled down the window for her like he often did the what is he nervous about? question kind of got pushed to the back of  her mind for the moment as she just enjoyed the moment they were getting though it soon shot back to the front of her mind when he suddenly pulled off the main road and into a field coming to an abrupt stop.

"Optimus" she said turning to ask him why they had stopped in a field only to find what was now an empty seat behind the wheel as his human holoform was gone and before she could get  a word out the passenger side door opened and saw him standing there hand held out to her to help her down like he done so meany time's before and just like those other time's she wobbled a little every time she jumped down he steady her of course only this time he scooped her up right up into his arms bridle style and began to move further into the field.

At that moment she was more than a little confused which must of shown because he gave her that little half smile that had different meanings depending on the situation like if he'd been hurt it was meant mean that he was okay not that she ever bought it the time's she would sit as close as she could while Ratchet went about patching him up other's were when they were with the other's Lennox and Epps or when they were alone and on those very rare occasions, it was down to the Skids and Mudflaps antics this time though this one was a you'll see which she did when they reached a clearing were there was nothing but stars above truly she'd never seen a night sky so clear before as for what was on the ground a blanket had been laid out sometime earlier and along side a basket one question was on her mind as he allowed her feet to touch the ground which was when did he find the time to set this up?

"You like it?" Optimus asked.

"I love it.." she said taking hold of his hand more tightly than when he helped down from his cab.

Since the start of their less platonic relationship where they had to sneak off to get moments like this and really this one was't all that different none of them came close to right now as it was just perfect making her wish that they could just stay like this in this moment enjoying themselves and not having to hide the fact that they well loved each other, very much even the nervous look that Optimus had earlier had gone away or at least for a while it had but as it was getting to that point where they had to head back it also came back .

"Optimus is something wrong?" she asked as suddenly got up and took a few steps from her.

"Not wrong per say Christen just .." he trailed off which was not like him.

"Just?" she asked.

"I'v never done anything like this before" he said back still to her.

What ever it was he wanted to say it was clear that it was the reason for his nervousness though as he finally turned to face her again he did so on one knee which caused a lump so large to form in her throat that it was only by some sort of miracle that she was still able to breath or better yet why her heart had't given out right then and there as it was thumping rather hard against her chest.

"As a Prime i never thought of myself taking a mate but then i met you Christen Eloise Benton who's bravery and loyalty is not only greater than that of any human or Autobot but who has shown my kind neither fear or hatred only friendship as well as love i find myself never wanting to be from your side be they good time's or bad and with that being said" he said slipping his hand into his pocket and pulled out what looked to be a handmade copper ring" Christen Eloise Benton will you be my sparkmate in till the very stars themselves burn out?"

"Yes" it had been the easiest word she ever said in spite of the lump in her throat...

(end flashback)

The pop of the dying embers of the fire which caught the bare part of leg ever so slightly had her not only jumping out of her skin as she set about putting in out but brought her back to the here and now where she was alone granted it had been her choice to live out here miles from anyone did't mean that it made living with the loss any easier or the guilt for not being able to keep Optimus and the other's safe in fact that day was the first day since her parents death that she had felt that helpless as she watched them drive away shrugging off the moth eaten blanket Chris made her way back inside the cabin though not before tucking the copper ring which now lived on a chain around her neck back into her shirt.


just a little something from me i have't been well this past week so i have't been able to do much still working on my hazbin hotel fanfic just had this idea for a story also buzzing around my head for a while hope you like the first chapter...also i just checked it i had some spelling mistakes to correct.)

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