chapter 3

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The rest of the day passed in a breeze after returning to the ship, and I immediately started examination testing the fruit and mushrooms I had brought back with me.

I took some small samples off each of them and inspected them under the microscope, For any potential parasites. When that test was cleared I tested them with a few chemicals to see if there might be any negative reactions. Unfortunately, the mushrooms were a failure and ended up revealing a nero-toxin that appeared during the chemical test.

Being a xeno-biologist definitely has its perks when it comes to surviving in the wild. After testing the mushrooms I tried the orange and found no negative results. Inspecting the strange fruit and cutting it open it also resembled a grapefruit with pink coloration of the flesh inside despite its bright blue outer skin.

Deciding not to waste the rest of the fruit, and try it. I cut a slice off and hesitantly took a bite. The sweet taste of the fruit overwhelmed My mouth, nearly making me moan at how good it really was. Finishing Off the sample, I was a bit disappointed that I Didn't have anymore, fresh fruit was a delicacy for space travelers, and this kind of stuff doesn't last long in storage.

I found it strange how the fruit Just appeared out of thin air. It couldn't have just fallen from the sky, there were no noticeable fruit-bearing trees in the surrounding area. 'So had a wild animal just dropped it? Was that what I saw in the bushes?'

'So many questions and so few answers...' cleaning up my workstation I decided to get some fresh air. Making my way to the back of the ship I stepped outside and breathed in the crisp night air, stretching my arms above my head. I quickly noticed some kind of glowing residue on my fingers as well. I looked at it a bit closer before shrugging. I shouldn't be surprised that the fruit might have left some bioluminescent residue behind considering much of the forest has bioluminescence properties.

As I glanced up at the starry sky I smiled at how beautiful it was here even at night. Many of the plants glowed with bright luminescent spots and the sky was so clear you could see the entire nebula. I could almost see myself living here for the rest of my life if only I had a little more setup. "And better company" I sighed while taking a quick glance back at the ship.

When I faced the forest once more I noticed something that didn't quite seem right. Some of the bioluminescence before me seemed strange Like it was moving. Rubbing my eyes I blinked a few times wondering if my eyes were just playing tricks on me but as I squinted and looked closer to what I was seeing I quickly realized it wasn't my eyes.

There was definitely movement in the forest, some kind of figure Amidst the bushes with glowing patterns on it was sneaking around in the tree line. I couldn't be sure if it was an animal but I knew for a fact it couldn't be a plant swaying in the breeze.

The glowing marks were more– purposeful in their placement upon the figure's body. As it slowly drew closer I held still, not wishing to scare the creature away or make it angry, it kept itself in the treeline, unwilling to come any closer and expose itself. I could see a pair of glowing eyes staring back at me as it stopped. watching me, almost curiously.

I wanted to know what it was but I was practically blind in the dark and the glowing plants and markings on the figure only did so much. I stepped a bit closer, cautiously, wanting a better look but it was still so dark.

As I stared back at the creature an idea came to mind. Holding up my wrist comm I activated the scanner and scanned the forest in front of me, including the creature. As the screen lit up showing a miniature hologram Of the terrain before me my eyes widened in both terror and excitement.

That creature was no animal. It was humanoid. it was crouched down in the dark a few yards in front of me With a large stick in its hand that resembled a Spear. The hologram didn't fully show me how the stranger looked, only that its shape and physical appearance matched that of a human.

'Was this a native species? We've never come across a human-like creature before– I have to get a picture! I have to document this and get notes! If this Is what I think it is then we may have just had a major breakthrough!'

So many things raced Through my mind with all the excitement that I started pacing back and forth struggling to decide between rushing back to the ship for more equipment or approaching the figure. I was so distracted that I hadn't even noticed it, leaving the treeline to approach me.

What if its intelligence is similar to our Own? If it is then I'll have to run some tests to see and–

I stopped, freezing in my tracks as I turned and came face to face with a very dark figure covered in glowing paint marks that stood at least 7ft tall.

Swallowing hard, I tilted my head back to look up at the creature as it stood less than a foot away, staring down at me with its head tilted to the side. A mask of some sort covered the upper half of its face only showing its chin and mouth.

I was both terrified and intrigued by the figure's intimidating appearance. Its body was quite fit with little to no clothing covering it. The paint markings across its body seemed to form an intricate pattern all across the figure's chest, arms, and down its in-human legs.

Despite my better judgment I wanted to reach out and trace each pattern and mark. I wanted to take that mask off and reveal what's underneath. I wanted to study the Stanger before me and try to communicate with it.

I waited for it to do something as we both stood there looking each other over, besides the slight movement of its head as it looked me over it didn't do much, and I wondered why it revealed itself to me.

As seconds ticked by I couldn't hold back anymore and decided to do something instead of just silently standing there.

"h-hi?" my voice came out meek and the figure froze at the sound, its glowing eyes locking onto my own. When it made no sign of acknowledgment I slowly lifted my hand up in a sort of wave. Surely it will understand I'm trying to greet it right?

Its face followed my hand before it reached up with its own and I marveled at its set of four fingers. Four! One thumb and three others! I can't believe this is really happening! I held in a squeal of excitement as it brought its hand to mine.

'Oh my God it's just like in the movies–' my thoughts were cut short as it suddenly grabbed my wrist pulling me towards it and ducked down, to throw me over its shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

I shrieked in surprise and tried to stabilize myself as it turned to start running towards the forest. "Hey wait! Put me down! What are you doing?!" I struggled a bit in the stranger's grasp and squeaked as it squeezed my ass in a non- to subtle way. "Stop that! Where are you taking me!"

I wiggled to try and break loose with little success as it took me into the forest. Looking back towards the ship I did the only thing that made sense and screamed for Jake and Matt's help.

As soon as the shrill sound of my scream escaped my lips, my captor lowered me from their shoulder to slap their hand over my mouth and nose.

My shouting was muffled as I tried to pull away. As i breathed in i felt something akin to dust or powder entering my airway, and looking at my captor's hand i saw it covered in some kind of glowing powdery substance. My senses felt tingly and i became dizzy, making it nearly impossible to struggle against the alien's hold.

My body suddenly felt lax as my strength was sapped away in a matter of seconds. My eyes grew heavy and my brain became muddled as I was hauled up once again and carried off to God knows where.

This is definitely not how I expected my first alien encounter...

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