The start

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THE BUS CAME TO A HALT, the wheels releasing a screeching noise as it stopped moving.

"Thanks." I got off the public bus, it's been a week so far since I've been awaken by my coma.

My hair flowed in the wind with my eyes shining with the sun. Creaking wooden planks were heard from underneath me with each step I take, unlocking my door with my right hand, I pushed it open and was greeted with an enticing scent. Hearing humming from all the way down in the kitchen, I kicked my boots off while closing the door.

"Y/N? Honey? Is that you?" My mom yelled in the background. I walked to the open kitchen, revealing my figure to my mother. "You're back! Could you get your father, dinner is almost ready dear," she turned to me with a smile.

"Well go on," she then brought her hand up — which had a kitchen glove on — and whispered next to her mouth in the air "he's in his study."

I nodded and moved my feet in the direction of the office where my father was located at. Walking down the hallway, I passed by my old family pictures, a small smile crept up to my face as I was met with a joyful photo of my family.

It was framed perfectly onto the beige wall. The brown wooden frame was fit for the picture inside the glass container, fixing the frame, I tilted it back into place so it hung perfectly.

It showed us four.

We were laughing at a picnic, mother was frightened and concerned, father was tickling my younger brother as he laughed his head off on the white and red squared blanket. I was off to the side with a flower crown in hand while sighing at their antics.

It's just us three now.

I pushed open the door to my fathers office, seeing him sitting on the old chair typing away at his vintage computer, his back was hunched over with tons of files and boxes around the room stacked on top of one another.

We had just moved in three days ago. My mom claiming that we should start anew by letting go of the past and start a future.

"Hey dad, mom says dinner is ready" I spoke with a soar throat. Voice cracking here and there. "I'll be there soon, go ahead and set up the table for me would ya?" He answered back without making eye contact, his pupils were glued onto that digital screen.

"Sure thing" I replied, walking away while closing the door softly.

It's been like this ever since the incident.

Ever since my younger brother died and I have gotten into a coma, things became dull and bland.

Every room you walk in would be grey, no music playing, no chatter, just dry responses of people I lived with.

It was suffocating.

There were laughters of children, cheerful faces, colourful rooms and a happy atmosphere with a happy family from before, what had happened?


"Don't worry!! We're almost there, keep running!!"

Panting, screaming and crying was all there was.

"B/N just hold on!! We're gonna be alright just hold on!!" I yelled, the red night sky was taunting us with the yellow bright moon.

A centipede like creature was chasing after us, his 20 feet big figure was huge against us. Crawling and screeching as his gigantic feet was stomping into the ground.


I turned my head to look behind me, only to see my little brother who had tripped, on the ground, his eyes were filled with fear while his tears streamed down his pink cheeks.

He smiled softly and waited for the worst.

He was stomped on as the creatures long leg impaled his chest, lifting his leg and dropping the innocent child into his mouth.

Before I could react, scream, cry or shout.

I felt a stinging sensation in my head, the enormous centipede creature had stabbed his sharp leg into my head.


I shivered from the memories, that situation was the reason I was in a coma.

I looked back onto the framed picture.

If only I had protected you, maybe you would've gotten the life you deserve, after all you were only 7.


"Remember Y/N, you have school tomorrow, the bus stop should be in front of the park across the street" My mother explained, placing down a basket of clean clothes next to my closet.

I hummed in acknowledgment while she sighed.

"I know all of this is stressful sweetheart," she walked to my bed — which is where I was currently laying in underneath my warm blankets — and she sat near my feet.

"But trust me, this is good for you, you'll meet new friends, a new town, new people, new-"

"What if I don't want new things...?" I mustered a sentence, my vocal cords shutting down on me but I still continued.

"I miss the old days, where we had fun, where we were happy... what happened to us?" I mumbled while staring at the ceiling, not daring to look at my mother in the eyes.

Her eyes widened at my sentence but quickly regained her posture. "I know honey... I know" she rubbed my head with the palm of her hand. "I miss the old days too..." her voice cracked for a moment.

"Just promise me that you'll make at least one friend?" She sighed, her warm hand not leaving my forehead once.

I nodded hesitantly as she stood up, she walked to my drawer at the side of my bed and turned on the lamp. She then turned to the exit of my room and closed the light switch, leaving me in a somewhat lit up room by my lamp.

"Have a goodnight honey, we'll be in the room right next to you." She then closed the door.

Being in this new environment was exhausting.

I felt my eyes being heavy as I embraced the darkness and fell asleep.

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