Chapter 1

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Jill's pov
I wake up to my best friend,Ryan yelling "JILL, WAKE UP ITS THE LAST DAY OF OF HIGH SCHOOL,LETS GO!". Why does my mom even let her this house before I'm awake? I really do not know.
I get out of bed while Ryan sits there watching Real House Wives. I go into my bathroom and take my hair out of the messy braid I had in. I brush it out and leave it down, everyone tells me my hair is amazing down and curly cause I'm a brunette. I do a winged eyeliner and a bit of mascara.
I run back to me room and grab my floral crop top and some light wash shorts. I grab my bag and my phone and go down to the kitchen.
"Hi sweetie, you look great." My mom says. "Thanks mom". I grab a banana and a waffle my mom made, I sat down and started eating. Then came Ryan, "Heyyy girls, and you" she would be talking about my little brother Noah. "So any food for me today?" She says. My mom replies "Of course,here's a waffle".
We finished and I put on my black vans then we were out the door. I skateboarded to school and Ryan always took her bike. My mom always needs her car so she only lets me use it after her work.
We get to school and Ryan locks her bike and I just carry my skate board to our lockers."So what do you wanna do after school, Ryan?" I ask, "How about the mall then the beach?" I reply. "YESSS, that's exactly what we need.", "What?" I say confused, " WE NEED CLOTHES!!". I laugh and we go to class.
I run into Matt who I have had a crush on for so fucking long now. I walked into him busy trying to find my home work. He gabs my hips and then he asks if I'm okay and I say ya I'm fine and then he smiled and I left.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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Say it and mean it(Matthew Espinosa fan fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora