𝐢𝐯. the quarry

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Chapter four:
The quarry

When Josie woke up the next morning, the sun peered through the window as she felt an arm wrapped around her. Startled, she quickly shot up and looked to her left, only to quickly realize it was just Richie.

Of course it was, who else what it be? Josie thought, assuming yesterday's events had her on edge.

Josie ended up spending the night at Richie's, and the night prior was spent playing Atari and watching movies until they went up for bed. Richie's mom, Maggie was okay with it, considering it wasn't uncommon for the Madison girl to, and she was always welcoming when it came to Josie, knowing her home life hadn't been the best.

She gently removed Richie's arm off her, being careful not to awake the peaceful boy from his slumber. Josie always though Richie looked so cute when he was asleep, which probably was because it was the only time his mouth wasn't running fifty miles an hour. But of course, she wouldn't ever admit that to him.

She looked over to his alarm clock, realizing it was just past ten—meaning she and Richie were meeting the others at the quarry soon.

Josie got up, figuring she would just wake Richie up soon. She walked over to his closet, coming across a pair of black adidas shorts she apparently forgotten here one time.

I've been looking for these forever, she thought, yanking them off its hanger.

She walked over to the bathroom connected to his bedroom and changed into the shorts, as well as keeping on the white-and-red Pizza Planet shirt Richie lent to her yesterday. The shirt was a little oversized, but she made it work.

And after that she washed her face, brushed her teeth with the toothbrush she always kept at his house, then combed her blonde waves out. She normally had her hair straightened, since she hated her natural hair, but since they were going to the quarry she thought what's the point?

Walking out the bathroom, Josie noticed a tired Richie sitting up in bed, rubbing his eyes wearily as his raven waves stuck up. "Morning, sleepy head," she greeted with a smile, grabbing a pair of socks from Richie's dresser.

"What time is it?" Richie asked, his voice groggy.

She looked over at the alarm clock again before explaining, "10:33, so get ready to leave soon." She sat on the grey-carpeted floor, putting on a pair of white socks and then her white converses- which were more beige-colored now due to the greywater in the sewer yesterday.

Richie stretched over to his nightstand, grabbing his glasses and putting them on. "Jesus, why'd you let me sleep so long?" he complained, rolling out of bed.

Tying her laces, Josie shrugged. "I just didn't wanna wake you; you looked so peaceful."

Richie scoffed out a laugh, walking over to his closet. "Whatever, but if Eddie gives me shit for being late I'm blaming you." He reached out for a dark blue Hawaiian shirt, along with a white t-shirt and dark grey shorts.

After Richie got ready, the two left for the quarry. Josie rode on the back of Richie's bike, since hers was still in town. Richie wouldn't ever admit it, but feeling Josie's arms wrapped around his made his cheeks turn pink.

𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲¹; Richie TozierWhere stories live. Discover now