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TESSA FOLLOWED the CPD lady through the quiet house

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TESSA FOLLOWED the CPD lady through the quiet house. As almost always, Happy was in the clubhouse or out and Maria was still in town with Gemma, waiting to hear from Tessa if she wanted to come along so they could do something nice with Sawyer later.

The Lowman woman definitely wanted to spend enough time with Tessa and Sawyer before she would return to Bakersfield. Her sister would ultimately move back in with Maria to support her now that Tessa would stay in Charmingᅳ which made Maria happy and sad at the same time.

Even though she would miss the young woman, Maria knew that Tessa was in good hands here with Sawyer. What's more, she wasn't blind. Sick, yes, maybe a little older, alsoᅳ but she could still see well enough to observe the looks Tessa was giving her son. And, she had also caught Happy a few times when he had dared to take a look.

"So." With her nose wrinkled, the woman in her early forties pushed her glasses a little higher up her nose, her slightly stern look landing on Tessa. "The size of the house is good, at least there's enough space to create a separate room for Sawyerᅳ that's what you're planning on doing, right?"

"Yes, yes of course", Tessa shot back quickly and full of enthusiasm. "Sawyer will get the guest room until we find our own apartment, that's already been agreed upon with the owner of the house."

"The owner you say, huh.." the woman cleared her throat, her eyes narrowed slightly as she wrote something down on her notepad. "Mr. Lowman, correct?"

Tessa nodded again, always a polite smile on her lips. After all, she had to make an impression. Before the woman showed up, she had also changed her outfitᅳ just to be on the safe side. Normally the raven-haired woman didn't care about what others thought of her, but in this case she had to care if she wanted to keep Sawyer.

Instead of her black, sometimes provocative clothes such as short skirts, tight tops and fishnet tights, she wore simple jeans, sneakers and an inconspicuous dark red long-sleeved shirt that didn't have a neckline that showed too much of her cleavage. Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail and her make-up only consisted of eyeliner and mascara.

"Yes, exactly, Happy Lowman. Why?", she asked, curiosity lingering in her tone when she noticed the woman's suddenly snide tone. "Is there a problem?"

"As far as we know he belongs to a gang...the Sons of Anarchy, is that correct?" Mrs. Lynn's gaze shifted from the notepad in her hands to Tessa. “Do you think this is the right person to have around a four-year-old?”

"Oh, rightᅳ the usual prejudices", Tessa uttered with a soft snort, the prejudices towards Happy leaving a bitter taste on her tongue. Something about it just bothered her that the woman allowed herself to be so discriminatory. "First of all; it's a motorcycle club, not a gang, and Mr. Lowman isn't home most of the time. Besides, without his help, my son would still be stuck with my father, who has fooled you and your colleagues for years", Tessa paused , raising her hand as the woman began to speak.

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