How you meet

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You had just finished up at your job in the restaurant you work at and were locking up. When you turned around you bumped into someone and both of you we're sprawled on the ground, you on top of them. You looked to see a man with closed eyes and light brown hair with a curl coming out of it. You blushed uncontrollably at by the cute man and stood up quickly, putting your hand out to help him up. " Grazie bella and im-a sorry for-a bumping into you so-a scusate." His voice was like honey and you found yourself dazzled. "Do you-a mind cooking me some-a pasta Per Favore-a " You nodded and turned to face the door. He started to talk to you in that beautiful accent of his as you fumbled to unlock the door. Heat rushed to your cheeks every word he spoke and you thought you must have looked like a tomato . You let him in and went straight to the kitchen. As you washed your hands you saw you were still slightly pink. You made the pasta as best as you could and gave it to him. You looked at your watch and sighed. You had just missed F/S. He looked a bit worried. "What time-a is it bella" He asked. You told him the time and he freaked out about how "Ludwig" would kill him. " I have to-a go bel- Y/N but I'll be back tomorrow." He had read your name off your tag and smiled at you. "I'm Feliciano " He smiled. You blushed. He waved and left you with a note that had a phone number on it..You smiled to yourself when you walked home.
Per Favore- Please
Grazie-Thank you
Bella - Dear or Beauty
F/S- Favorite show

Your friend dragged you to see her race so obviously you were super early since she had to train. She saw how fast the others were running and started having a panic attack. Her friend came over to you. "Vill you train vith us. She is very nervous and zhat von't help in the race" You looked up at the blonde and sighed. You got up and trained with them until the race started. Afterwards that guy came up to you and told you his name. Ludwig. You smiled. "Y/N L/N" You giggled. He smiled and gave you his number. You looked back up and he was gone. You shook your head while grinning to yourself. Then you walked home as your friend told you how fit Ludwig is. Which you obviously imagined that night.

You had been walking down the street at night when suddenly- "I WILL INVADE YOUR VITAL REGIONS" An albino had shouted, scaring the shit out of you. You fainted and the BTT fled because they didn't know what else to do. Meanwhile Kiku was walking home when he saw your unconscious body sprawled out on the pavement. He pick we d you up and walked home. When he got home he placed you on one couch while he sat on the other. He had draped a blanket over you and checked to see you we're OK. You groggily awoke to nice aromas and smiled. Then you realized you weren't in your house and you freaked the fuck out. Kiku came running in from the kitchen where he had been making tea. "Are you arright? " He looked concerned. You nod. You remember what happened. "What time is it" You asked, thankful your abductor wasn't a creep. You looked at him closely and noticed he had jet black hair and brown eyes. He seemed rather quiet and a cat was walking near by. "Ereven O Crock " he answered simply. You sighed. "Can I sleep here tonight. I'll be gone pretty early?" You say to him. He nods and you scream mentally. You snuggled up on the couch before he went to you. "I'm Kiku Honda" he says. "Y/N L/N" you say sleepily before dozing off. That morning you had left a note for Kiku with your number and name on it.

South Italy

"WATCH-A WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU JERK-A BAST-" Romano stopped when he saw you. A crying mess that had bumped into him during a nightly walk. You looked to him with blurry eyes. He had dark brown hair with a curl and amber eyes. "Why are you-a crying ragazza " He asked. "My boyfriend broke up with me" You cryed. "I'm Lovino" He said after a while. "Y-Y/N " You sniffed. He walked you home while chatting to make you feel better and blushing when you laughed. When you arrived home you said goodbye and walked inside your house. Upon closing the door you heard something come through the mailbox. When you inspected it you saw a number with Lovino's name on it.

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