High school no musical

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Hi! My name is Blair, I am a normal 16 year old girl, or so you think. I am known as "big head Blair" at my school, I was bullied countless times but all that changed.....

"BEEP BEEP!" My alarm clock goes off at 6:00 exactly, I get up and head downstairs and eat my breakfast quickly, I run to my bathroom brush my teeth and do my hair. I run into my bedroom and change into my clothes, I wear a white long sleeve blouse with a knee length skirt with stockings and sneakers. When I head downstairs I bump into my mum, she gives me a look of shock and says " honey, do you really want to go to school looking like that?" My mum is a fashion stylist so she always knows what's in and what's out, "yes, I am comfortable in these clothes" I say to her,
"Sorry, mum I've got to go catch the bus" I give her a kiss goodbye and head out the door. I get on the bus and I sit all alone like usual. To tell you the truth I don't really have friends the only friends I have are books and my imaginary friend Carl. We finally get to school and one of the girls trip me over and start to laugh, I pick up all my books and put my glasses back on and hurry out of the bus. I walk through the hallway and all I can see are people whispering and laughing as I walk by and I know it is about me. I keep walking with my head down praying that no one would stop me just to tease me. I finally get to my locker and of course I am stuck next to the "miss popular" in our school other wise known as Cindy. She starts laughing with her friends and she turns around to me and saids "ew, did your grandmas sewing machine explode or were your clothes made that way?" I don't answer, I just take my things and head to my first class.

It's the end of the day and I head back to my locker when I m stopped by two boys, I look up to see who they are and I see that it is Blake and Nate. They are the two most idiotic boys in our school they start pulling on my hair and they take my glasses off and throw them on the ground. I go to pick them up but instead they both pick me up and stuff me into the janitor's closet. I bang on the door but nobody will let me out so I am stuck there in the dark. I get up looking for something to open the door, I feel around with my hands and I trip and fall onto a broom and before I knew it I was falling down. When I finally get up I am dressed in different clothes with a different hair style and I can actually see. I turn around and see a man and he looks at me and saids.
"I thought you'd be the one"

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