Ruthless Love.

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*grabs my dress my dress by the back walking towards the mirror fixing my just done makeup*-Emily  

*looks in the mirror in my room and fixes my tie putting on my suit jacket and tilts head smiling a little at the thought of me getting married* -Daniel | *walks in* hey, you ready for your big day? *wiggles eyebrow* -Dakota | *gasp and shakes head* you scared me I thought you were Emily. *pats your shoulder* how's my best man? *smirks* -Daniel | just preparing everyone. have you talked to Emily at all? -Dakota  

*smiles walking up behind her looking over her shoulder at the dress and all of her ready* Perfect. ~Mia| *turns around smiling to myself looking at Mia and nods* ~Emily| *raises an eyebrow* I just have to ask. no regrets? no cold feet? ~Mia| *rolls eyes shaking my head and smiles slightly at the thought taking a deep breath* I have a good feeling about this ~Emily 

*shakes head* no, I haven't. Not at all. I hope she even showed up. *looks down and plays with my ring and shakes head trying to hold back the thought* -Daniel | what are you talking about? She loves you and would never do that don't ever say that again. 

*smiles and nods hugging her tight pulling away making sure not to wrinkle the dress* Were out in 15. ~Mia| *squeals slightly and laughs at the sound and nods fixiing up a little and takes a deep breat nodding* i'm ready ~Emily 

*takes a deep breath hearing Emily across the room as he door opens and she walks down and prepares her self and shakes my leg nervously* god, I cannot wait to see her. -Daniel | *smiles* and to think last week you were ripping people's heads off and sucking there blood dry with no humanity. *smirks* -Dakota | *rolls eyes and nudges him* so are we going around back?-Daniel | yup, so we make sure she doesn't see you. *grabs him by the arm opening the back door silently and walks Daniel to the end of the isle awaiting for the bride next to him as his best man and looks around seeing everyone* -Dakota | *takes a big breath and holds back the tears remembering the time in first met her to this very moment* -Daniel 

*smiles noticing Emily's excitment and watches as the other girls grab the back of her long dress as i walk ifront of her* ~Mia| *smiles taking a deep breat nervously and grabs the boquet of flowers walking towards the enterance* ~Emily| *smirks appearing besides her interwining my arm with her's* No father. brother to the rescuse ~Levi 

*looks around glancing at everyone and spots Emily at the front of the isle waiting with her brother staring at her not noticing anyone else in the room but her and my jaw drops staring at her love strucked and takes deep breaths* -Daniel | *smiles and whispers nudging him* close your mouth your drooling. *looks at Emily remembering all the moments we had and when I told her I loved her and sharply looks away shaking my head and looks at Daniel* she's beautiful. *smiles slightly* -Dakota | *nods lightly and continuing to stare at her and tears fall down and hears everyone in the crowd aw as they see me and shakes my head wiping away the tears* i can't believe she's mine. -Daniel 

*laughs and holds his hand slightly squeezing it as tears fall mumbling* I just wish mom and dad could be here ~Emily don't cry don't cry. don't  

wanna ruin the mascara! *rolls eyes and wipes off the little of mascara that got ruined and fixes it back into place quickly* ~Mia| *laughs slightly anr kisses her forhead and nods* All i can say is that they would be very proud of you. All of us are. ~Levi| *smiles and nods taking a deep breth looking straight ahead noticing Daniel and smiles to myself* ~Emily 

*bites my lip and listens as the music starts and she slowly walks down the isle and watches my little cousin as she traces behind her with the rings on a small like silky pillow and laughs lightly and continues to watch you and feel as if time slowly down* -Daniel 

*smiles looking straight ahead watching Daniel and purses my lips watching* ~Emily| *smiles an places her in front of Daniel letting go of her kissing her forehead* Ready? ~Levi| *looks at Daniel and then at levi and smiles to myself and nods* ready ~Emily 

*sighs to my self happily and gently holds your hand and looks at the pastor as he clears his throat* -Daniel | We are gathered here today, on this happy and joyous occasion, to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony.Marriage is a solemn institution to be held in honor by all, it is the cornerstone of the family and of the community. It requires of those who undertake it a complete and unreserved giving of one's self. It is not to be entered into lightly, as marriage is a sincere and mutual commitment to love one another. This commitment symbolizes the intimate sharing of two lives and still enhances the individuality of each of you. Groom, do you take this woman to be your wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to her as long as you both shall live? -pastor | *smiles as more tears fall all wipes my tears as I see the flashes of cameras and speaks loudly* I do. -Daniel | Bride, do you take this man to be your wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to him as long as you both shall live? -pastor 

*smiles and sits down watching them on the front seat silently as happy tears fall wippingthem quickly* ~Mia| *watches her and smiles prudly and nods looking uo at the ceiling for a moment and back down at everyone* ~Levi| *smiles and squeezes daniels hand as a tear falls and wipes it away quickly and smiles slightly and nods* I do ~Emily 

*nods and speaks in a stir voice to the crowd* is there any objections?  


*looks around at the crowd and smiles slighty squeezing daniel's hand* 

*hears as no on answers and sighs in relief loudly and listen as the crowd burst in laughter as I laughs along with them* -Daniel | *laughs a little a nods* you may place the ring on the brides finger, -pastor | *kneels down and looks at my little cousin as he trots towards me with the ring and smiles gently grabbing them from him and puts mine in your hand and looks in your eyes slipping on yours,onto your finger* -Daniel 

*smiles slightly and looks down at his cousin and grabs the ring and smiles slowly slipping it into Daniel's finger and smiles looking back uo at him silently* ~Emily 

The the power of your will with the company of you both, you may kiss the bride. -pastor | *smiles and quickly with no hesitation grabs her by the waist kissing her passionately and long listening to everyone whistle and cheer loudly and smiles continuing to kiss you* -Daniel | *watches them both and smiles tilting head and turns in front of the crowd and yells* thank you all for being here, now that this beautiful moment is over let's welcome Emily and Daniels new begging with a party! Drinks and food is out back, if you'd like to make a speech please come and aware me *smiles and nudges Daniel* and this beautiful new couple will also be dancing so you don't want to miss that! And I however have no date so, *wiggles eyebrow* lady's feel free to confront. *watches as the crowd chuckles* now everyone please head to the back were the Buffet and after party will be hosted! -Dakota 

*laughs and wraps my arm around Daniel's neck and kisses him passionatly and mumbles against his lips* Now were finally married ~Emily| *smile and walks over to Daniel and pats him on the back* Take care of her man. *smiles* Wishing you both the best ~Levi 

*looks towards him and smiles holding Emily's hand* thank you, it really means alot. *looks towards Emily* shall we go enjoy our party?-Daniel  

*laughs and nods holding his hand* Yes we shall *smiles and walks over to dakota and hugs him* Thank you. ~Emily  

*nods and kisses her on the cheek* take care of him. *smiles* I have the best present for you two. *smirks and walks to the back, were the after party is* -Dakota 

*laughs and rolls my eyes walking over to Daniel and smiles holding his hand* Ready? ~Emily  

*smiles and holds your hand gently and nods walking down the steps and towards everyone*-Daniel 

*smiles and looks around at everyone as everyone says congratulations and nods saying thank you holding your hand*~Emily  

*sits down with you listening to everyone telling beautiful and emotional speeches and gifts and looks at Emily and smirks* ready for our honey money? *pulls out two tickets* were going to Hawaii. *kisses your cheek lightly* -Daniel 

*smiles slightly and nods at everyone saying thank you and turns to you smiling at grabs the tickets and nods holding his hand* Ready *smiles* Can't wait actually. ~Emily

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2013 ⏰

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