19|¡Whispers Of Desire¡

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"You're Taking my breath away" - Tatiana Manaois

Chapter Theme Song : Still Falling ( Tatiana Manaois )

Chapter Theme Song : Still Falling ( Tatiana Manaois )

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I groggily open my eyes, the remnants of the dream still clinging to my thoughts. Mr Torres' face lingers in my mind, his touch almost tangible. It takes a moment for reality to settle in, and I realize it was just a dream. But what a dream it was.

Shaking off the haze of sleep, I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and rub my temples, trying to hold on to the fading fragments of the dream.

And as the sun peeks through my bedroom window, I slowly stir awake, feeling a mix of exhaustion and anticipation. I stretch, trying to shake off the remnants of my dream, but it clings to me like a stubborn cloud.

With a sigh, I roll out of bed and shuffle to the bathroom, splashing cold water on my face to wake myself up. The mirror reflects a tired girl, but I put on a brave face, determined to keep my emotions hidden.

In my closet, I carefully select my school outfit for the day, choosing to pull of something that strikes the balance between casual and put-together. I want to give off an air of confidence, even if I don't quite feel it.

Downstairs, my parents are already at the breakfast table, engrossed in conversation. I greet them with a smile, trying to act nonchalant, but my heart races as my dad casually mentions the dinner plans - tonight with the Torres' . Mr Torres' name hangs in the air, and my stomach churns with a mix of excitement and nerves.

After a quick breakfast and bidding my parents farewell, I hop into my car and drive to school. The familiar route offers a temporary distraction, but my mind keeps circling back to the impending dinner. What will I say? How will I act?

Finally, I arrive at school and spot Chase waiting by the entrance. Relief washes over me as we exchange greetings and fall into step together. We navigate the crowded hallways, making our way to our first class.

The minutes tick by, but I can't focus on the teacher's lecture. I'm too consumed by thoughts of my teacher - no, no, it sounds wrong coming out this way. Mr Torres, or perhaps Maximiliano, and the evening ahead.
Classes drag on, and I'm scribbling notes that look more like abstract art than actual words. My mind's on a loop, replaying every possible scenario for tonight. But when lunch comes around, and I'm finally sitting across from Chase, it's like I can breathe again.

At lunch, Chase and I find a quiet corner of the cafeteria to sit - across from each other. With a deep breath, I opened up to Chase, sharing my fears and insecurities. I lay bare my feelings, exposing the vulnerability that's been simmering beneath my composed exterior.

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