Chapter one

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Hi! :). This is a book that I've wanted to start writing for a while now, but could never bring myself to it. My brother had neuroblastoma, and I didn't want to really rehash the past. He was fortunate enough to survive after multiple rounds of chemo, and a long time in the hospital. I decided to write this to raise awareness, not just for neuroblastoma, but for any cancer. Thank you for reading! I hope you liked the first chapter!

I wake up sweaty, and feeling like shit. I grab my phone from the table beside me, and look at it. It's only 2:30 am. I groan and get up, and immediately regret it. I run to the bathroom and spill everything I ate for supper last night. After I'm done, I lean against the wall. I hear my light turn on and my mom walks in. "Itzel!" She flushes the toilet and helps me up. She puts the toilet seat down and I sit on it. "Mom I'm sixteen, I can do this by myself" I give Her a weak smile. "I'm gonna help you until you move out dear" she grabs my toothbrush and toothpaste. Seconds later she hands me my toothbrush.

"Thanks" I mumble tiredly, and start to brush my teeth. She looks at me worriedly. I take the toothbrush out of my mouth. "What are you thinking about?" I ask, nervous for what the answer might be. She shakes her head and smiles. "Nothing. Just... Nothing" I look at her for a few minutes before I start to brush my teeth again. She feels my head and sighs. I get up and finish brushing my teeth, and wipe my mouth off. "I'm probably getting the flu bug that's going around the school" I say, and she nods.

Truth is, there isn't really a flu bug going around. Flu like symptoms could potentially be signs of relapse, but i ruse to believe that. I'm not even going to bring it up to my mom, she will instantly take me to the hospital for testing. Her thoughts probably instantly went to relapse, but she wouldn't want to believe it either.

"Well, I'm going to go get you some water and then go to bed. You need to sleep" she says, and heads out the door. Once I hear her heading downstairs, I walk back to my bed. I pull the covers over me, and my mom walks back in. She does things really fast when she's worried, probably to keep her busy so she won't worry too much. She sets the water down on my nightstand and hugs me. "I love you Itzel." She says and kisses my forehead.

"Love you too mom" she walks out, shutting the light off, and closing the door behind her.

What if I am relapsing? What if it's not really a flu? I mean, what are the chances of me being the first one to catch it? I haven't been at school for two days, since it was the weekend. No one at school was really even getting colds, it's the beginning of May, almost summer break.

I push those thoughts out of my head, and shut my eyes to get some sleep.

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