Weeping Lotus

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(pls watch the video or listen to the song on Spotify as you read, its the perfect theme song for this fic) 

(yes I changed the song btw)

{Jiang Cheng's POV}

       Lately Xichen and I were caught in a prediciment. For some reason or another Lan Qiren had proclaimed that 'guest's and outsiders' were not allowed in for two months due to some stupid renovation shit or whatnot? That included me of course. I was so damn mad. This meant I couldn't see my Xichen for a whole two months! God damn you Lans and your fucking renovating! You better be giving Xichen a room with an actual fucking lock on the door so there's no damn chance someone will see me cuddling him! I'd fucking kill myself if I was caught like that!

       Now I didn't have the goddamn chance to sneak around the Cloud Recesses, or even meet up with Xichen! And who knows what'd happen if I got caught trying to sneak in when guests were strictly prohibited! That's like being told your rice is hot as a kid, but eating it anyway and burning your tongue, I don't wanna get burnt, no thank you! But what the fuck am I supposed to do in the meantime? I think i'll die of being touch starved by the time those two months of renovation are over! ughhh... I'm a damn sect leader! Get it together goddamnit! 

{back to overview}

       Jiang Cheng was simply too tired for this today, so he went to his room and layed down on his bed, telling himself he'll just try to think up something tomorrow. Even if Jiang Cheng thought it a bit embarrassing , he still hugged a pillow with his arms and legs as he slept, whining a bit about how much he wanted to hold someone right now. 

       He was touch starved from the incident as it meant he couldn't pull his usual stunt of sneaking into the Cloud Recesses at night, sleeping and cuddling with his Xichen, and leaving in the morning to go back and run his sect during the day. 

       Jiang Cheng always liked to appear tough and angry to others, which he was most of the time. But around Xichen, he couldn't help but be a needy little brat. He could never go a day without cuddles and whined all the time. So not being able to be with him for so long left him in so much mental pain, he could barely sleep at night because he didn't have his Xichen-ge sleeping beside him and holding him tight. He would cry at night, always whining the same, "Xichen-ge" in desperation and hug his pillow tight to him. He felt so cold and lonely. He practically felt like destroying himself like this. He couldn't stand being alone, it hurt so bad... 

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