Late Night Philosophies

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Juelz's POV



Black, white, black, white, black, white, black, whi— pink? Juelz furrowed his brows at the faded pink tile underneath his foot, rays of possible causes already forming in his head. It's probably a soda stain, he decided. He hopped to the snack aisle, aiming his focus at the different types of Skittles displayed in front of him. Nevertheless, his ears were clearly more interested in something else. 

Juelz didn't understand Romeo. Why the fuck would anyone in their right mind willingly have small talk with someone?! Especially if that someone was Ella. Ella-Claire Rosemond, to be exact. Juelz had no idea when he picked up on her full name, but apparently, he did.

Pretending to read the back of a bag of Skittles, Juelz observed the conversation between Romeo and Ella. It was so obvious what her intentions truly were, and they were anything but friendly. Yet somehow, that seemed to be something only Juelz noticed. He had to suppress a gag as Ella went on to sickeningly laugh at everything Romeo said, repeatedly tugging at her hair. This bitch is gonna start balding in her twenties

" like jellyfish too, right Juelz?"

Huh? They were speaking about the weather like two seconds ago, I swear. Juelz shrugged, giving out a barely noticeable nod at last. Not that he was feeling generous, but when he caught a glimpse of Romeo's pleading eyes and the golden hue he always carried with him, Juelz sighed. "Yeah... I do." 

Romeo flashed Juelz a bright smile, which almost immediately blinded out any negative— screw that, any vicious death wishes from Juelz's head. He shot Romeo a glare. 

"My nephew adores sea creatures, it's so cute," Ella gushed, tugging at the rim of her plaid dress for the hundredth time. Why wear something so short if you're gonna yank it down all the time anyway?

"Cool." I could not care less. Juelz hugged a purple bag of Skittles to his chest, subtly eyeing Romeo -who had already made his way to the check-out, now chatting with Karl- to let him know the mission could be aborted now. Skittles were acquired. 

Sadly, Ella had to open her mouth. With a sour face, she scrunched her nose up at Juelz. "Are you buying those..?"

The fuck is her problem—  "Yes."

Ella pursed her lips. "I thought Romeo didn't like Skittles, didn't think you'd buy them."

"You're not his friend," Juelz spat, not waiting for a reaction as he marched past her and reached the check-out where Romeo was waiting. What does Romeo see in her?

"Hey there, sunshine," Romeo grinned, and suddenly Juelz didn't feel so angry anymore. "Do you need me to pay for those?" He motioned to the Skittles. 

If there were some sort of award show for having the purest soul, Romeo would win with a landslide. "They're on sale, I think my bank account can handle it," Juelz said with a chuckle, waving his card in the air as Karl scanned the Skittles. 


Juelz wheezed, dramatically grasping at his chest in defeat. "I am so—" another wheeze, "not made for running." He shook his hair out of his face, taking in another big gasp of air. But he wouldn't let Romeo win this, hell no. A cold breeze ran through Juelz as Romeo raced past him, flashing him a snarky grin before almost tripping over a rock. Almost

Juelz snorted at that, taking the opportunity to catch up with Romeo and then pass him. He began to run again, momentarily closing his eyes as the wind flowed through his hair, the silence of the night weighing heavy. Heavy like a weighted blanket. All the sounds seemed clearer at night, somehow. Sharp crickets chirped and fireflies surrounded the starry sky, accompanied by the slight rattling of the willow tree's branches; everything fit perfectly. 

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