He's her lobster

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My brother had called a team meeting we (outfit 19)  got all gathered around and listened to what he had to say about this weeks building of cakes. Or at the least the one that we had a consultation for. He tells us he has a cake for the bride and groom. And he told us they were really big on traveling to Italy. I'd always wanted to go I'd never been out of the states. Born and raised here. So they want a leaning tower of Pisa. I shall show you what happened. The costumers said they wanted something unique for their wedding. Kevin said he wanted the leaning tower of Pisa and Liza thought it could be a little more realistic. And we all know that Buddy doesn't make boring every day wedding cakes. He told them it was gonna be the Leaning Tower of Pisa leaning. A leaning cake?! Eeek! On purpose?! If he wants it leaning and all messed up like it's supposed to be off balance maybe I should be making the cake. But that wouldn't be hard on my end but it wouldn't be on purpose and any other time I'd be scolded. How exactly did he plan on pulling this off?! Because I knew he would because I know he can.

They had made it clear that it had to lean that they wanted it to lean and not fall over. I was much better at that 2nd one. Which means I better not touch this cake. And Buddy knew this wasn't going to be easy. He mentioned to them that our family was Italian and something about his pride and heritage ad he knew it had to be a certain way. He promised them that it would look like the tower and it would lean like the tower. They thanked him then said what a pleasure it had been to meet us. So now comes the first draft of the cake Buddy was telling me he was wanting an 8 layer tall cake. Ok fine not the hardest thing in the world but that's gonna have some weight to it and be kind of tall. Not impossible but also they want it leaning not falling over how do make that do that? Fine with him so far. And of course we'll find someway for me to help out. Despite I kind of don't wanna touch it because I know even if and when he manages to make this cake lean safely I would make it fall. And then he says he wants to do every column. Ok maybe that's how we make it more stable. How do you stable this cake that's 8 layers tall and needs to lean but not fall?! But if anyone can do it it's Buddy. So ok whatever columns great. Makes it sound more stable but then again on the outside someone could look stable but on the inside they can be a mess.

He also wanted every little detail. Well fine can't be the leaning tower without the parts that make it look like it. He even wants the bride and groom on a Vespa at the bottom of the cake and they were gonna look just like them. He then talks about how in order to make it lean first it had to be straight. Um huh? But I'm sure there as a reason for this. So he and Mauro were screwing things into place on these giant circles making sure they were firm and not going anywhere. And then they take this giant white pole thing and they're gonna put cardboard on it. So far this wasn't really making really any sense once so ever but I knew it would eventually all come together. Apparently this white pole or "shim" as Buddy calls it will help make it lean or whatever. But even at just 1/4 an in. it was already crooked so that didn't seem good. I didn't think it seemed good but they were ready to screw it anyways. He wanted to do this so it wouldn't tip over. But again the goal was to tip not fall. It was crooked why would they want that?! He just said a moment again he wanted it to be straight?! (Well Trump and a lot of non LGBTQ+ people both) So they started taking out all the sponge now he had to ice and stack the cake. Now you won't be able to help stack but if you want you can help ice and if you get borde with that I'll find something else that you can help do that will work better for your strengths.

So we used the 14s and he me and Danny iced and filled and trimmed the sponge cake. Making holes in the middle like a donut to make them go onto the long white stick. But we didn't want to cut too much of it off and we were trying to stack them and put the supports in. Filling them was easy enough I don't trust myself to help cut something and the icing and filling the part that takes a lot piping seemed like a lot and mostly technique while the other part seemed more like just scraping with a knife kind of spreading it around like making a pb&j sandwich which didn't really take that much work. While they looked nice stacked up there so far like giant donuts. Inside of the cake would be pound cake and we'd be using a buttercream filling. But of course it had to be perfect. Then they put the pegs in the board getting it all lined up. We had to make sure the columns were all matched up with each other and for the most part they were pretty straight. Once we had everything in place Buddy goes back through and helps to smooth things out but lets me know I've done a good job so far. He had to make sure that everything was evened out and that each piece of the cake had the same amount buttercream on it.

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