22. 𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝑺𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕, 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌.

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"Jeon Jungkook.", she called me from far away. She approached me to the couch where I am siting with Soohan, he chuckled seeing her.

"What happen?", I asked curiously, she smiled and said, "Umm, let's go! I have to complete my assignments."

"Stay for some days, you have come driving from Busan to Daegu.", Soohan spoken with a smile on his face, woh? He is smiling?

I have to save my lady from him, "Umm, Soohan, we promise to visit you, but she have her exams, so we have to leave."

I said standing up, giving him a warm and sweet smile and hold on Y/n's hand tightly, "Umm, then let's have lunch then you guys can leave."

He smiled at us, his eyes filled with so much darkness, I nodded at his command as we all walked towards the dinning table, but Y/n made her way towards the kitchen.

"Jungkook, you should control her. She is trying to gain control over you.", he said making me frown my eyebrow and stare at him will annoyance in my eyes.

"No, she is not!", I replied trying to hide my frustrations under my sweet melodious voice, he let out a dark chuckle and says, "If she were my wife, she never ever dared to speak to me."

I laughed before standing up, holding on his collar which is noticed by both the girls working in kitchen, "DON'T EVEN DARE TO IMAGINE HER AS YOUR WIFE."

I whispered in the creepiest voice I can manage to speak with, he left with a scared face and trembling lips which were not able to speak a single word, "Y/n, let's go home.", I commanded calling her with my hands.

She reached me, hold my arm and asked with turmoil, "What happen? Jungkook?"

"Nothing, Honey! I get an urgent call for an meeting, we have to leave right now.", i flashed a smile to her, she nodded and casually bowed, "Bye guys, it was fun to spend time with you."

"Can we go now?", I asked in a sweet soft tone and she nodded, we step out from the house together, as Soohan's wife closed the door behind our back.

"What's the matter? Why you garb his collar?", she asked curiously staring at my face and hoping for an answer, I chuckled and replied with a smile, "It's friends matter."

"Okay!", she said with a pout and settled herself down on the passanger seat beside the driving seat. I kissed her forehead before holding the steering and starting the car.

"You're so sweet, Jungkookie.", she murmured under her breath which I heard as I looked at her face, frowning my brow in amusement, "What did you said?"

"You're so sweet.", she said with a smile on her face pinched my cheeks with her hands, i whined in pain as she removed her hand and quickly apologized, "Sorry."

"No need, my lady.", I smiled saying, holding her hand with my left hand tightly and interwined my fingers with her, her head rested on my shoulder as she whispered, "Can we go and meet your parents?"

My smile fade away, eyes were filled up with rage and anger, I went silent blinking my eyes in slow motion, she looked at my face and again asked, "Can we go?"

"Yeah, sure.", I smiled replying her in a soft voice, she kissed my cheeks and sit straight on her seat, our fingers is still interwined with mine.

Author's Note:

Okay, first let me apologize for late update.

You guys is not commenting and voting, and I am lossing interest in writing this book. Support me for more update guys.

I will try to update soon.

Love from your author.

- To be continued.

- kookie✨

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