trying to hide the truth

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No one's P.O.V

The door opened revealing Olivia.

"Oh...hi." said Olivia. Felix realized how her pupils looked in other directions, except in his."Hey..." said Felix awkwardly. The silence between them became thicker and thicker, making Felix feel like he's suffocating. But it finally stopped when Olivia broke off the silence."Felix about two weeks ago, I'm real-Can we talk about this later." Felix said. He just wanted to get through with the dinner, so that he could facetime Hyunjin on his phone.

"Oh, ok..." said Olivia. She then got out of the way, so that he could pass. Olivia let out a big sigh when she couldn't see Felix anymore. Olivia couldn't bare to see her brother's face when their mom would find out the truth. But what could she do, their mom found out her lies.

2 weeks ago on a Tuesday

Olivia's P.O.V

I would always go home before going to the building where my dorm was. Why you may ask? I wasn't feeling comfortable yet, staying in a dorm without my family. I guess I just got used, to go home after school when I was in Australia.

"How was your day sweetie?" asked mom.
"It was alright..." I said which was obviously a lie."That's good, what did you do in school today?" asked mom." Not much, just watching TV because we had a day off."Ok, what did Felix do?" my breath hitched as she asked. I couldn't tell her the truth about Felix, even though I was mad at  him."He was just learning." I said quickly while I was rushing towards the door of my sister's bedroom.

"Wait." I immediately stopped at the word, not daring to go any step forward."Y-ea." I stuttered."What did he really do?" asked mom with a death stare."Nothing ma." I said."Olivia Lee." said mom, sending shivers down my spine." What did Felix do?" she asked again."Ok fine...he got detention." I felt bad for Felix at that moment, because he would probably get a beating from mom but at least I didn't tell her the real truth."That's a lie." I was shocked at her answer. How did she know?!

"You may ask yourself how I know that what you just said was a lie. Well because I called the principal's office just to check if Felix did any trouble." mom said."Now Olivia, what did Felix do? And don't you dare tell another lie because I will find out."He's going out with girl." I told another lie, thinking that this was enough to make mom think that it was true."Ok." I felt relief at that moment but it was too early."You have two weeks to tell me the truth. If you don't tell me truth these days then you will tell the truth by the dinner table when Felix is gonna visit us." said mom before leaving me in the room alone.

I just stood there in shock feeling paralyzed.
"Olivia?" asked Rachel. I hugged her while I was bursting into tears."Hey, hey, everything is alright." Rachel comforted me.
"No, it isn't for Felix "everything alright"." I cried."What do you mean." asked Rachel.
I explained Rachel what Felix did, which made her jaw drop."He had a hookup..." I whispered."He had a..." I nodded aggressively before Rachel could finish her sentence."You better not tell mom anything about this." said Rachel."I will try..." I said.

These days I tried lying to my mom but nothing worked. She would always find out that I was lying. Days started to pass, making me more anxious than ever. Today is the day where the truth must be told.

"Olivia what's taking you so long?!" shouted mom who was waiting at the dinner table."I'm coming!" I shouted back. I opened the door revealing the dinner table. Everybody already sat there, staring at me. As I took every step closer to the dinner table my heart was racing, I felt more anxious and my legs were kinda wobbling. At that moment I just wanted to be sucked  in the floor like quicksand. I finally made it to the chair and sat down.

"So Feli-" before mom could ask I interrupted her."How was work mom?" Mom looked at me in a way as if she knew what I was planning."It was alright, even though we had many patients coming." mom said."Ok, and how was your day dad?" Dad was the perfect opportunity to ask how his day was, since he likes talking about his day so much."Oh I love this question! I first..." I pretended listening to him talking about his boring day.

"I shouldn't have asked him." I thought as dad was already talking for almost 20 minutes." Ok honey, I think that's enough about your day." said mom."So Felix how was yo- "Uwgh" gagged Rachel."Dang mom what did you put in this?"asked Rachel while she made a disgusted face to mom. Everybody made wide eyes to her but I just pretended because I knew what she was planning.

Rachel gulped knowing what was about to come."Ok, I will try to cook better next time but you don't have to curse." said mom. Rachel and I were extremely confused. Wasn't she supposed to be mad at Rachel and give her whole ass lecture about how it's hard to bring food to the table?!"Now, Felix how was your d-You haven't asked about m-Shush Rachel, I'm now asking about Felix's day."It was good." said Felix."That's good to hear. What did you do today?" mom continued asking."Ah well first I did math then..."

Felix's voice was inaudible to my ears, since my mind was now in a dark place that I always hated, since I first got it.

"You can't please anybody.You can't even please your own family members."stop..." I said in an inaudible voice."You can't even please your friends at school. Remember the situation with Lilly at school yesterday? Poor girl got detention from the teacher because she didn't do her homework. Why? Because you didn't send her the homework."She said it was fine..." I mumbled trying to fight the voice in my head."But was it really fine?"

Before the voice in my head could tell me more bad things a question interrupted it.

"Ok, but this might be an odd question, but what did you do at the party that was two weeks ago on your first day of school?" asked mom."We just danced." answered Felix quickly."Is that true Olivia?" asked mom.

"Now who do you please? Felix your brother or your own mother."


Word count: 1127

Thanks for reading❤️

So do you guys think I put enough drama into this and if yes how was it?🔥
And who do you think Olivia will please?

Anyways I'm now officially on holidays for two weeks whoo!🥳🎉


𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔 [𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒙] (𝑂𝑛 𝑏𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘 𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 13𝑡ℎ)Where stories live. Discover now