chapter one:HIV/aids

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As I write this,my tears and fear in my heart for young age is so deep,
I cry with pain for the young teenage,the things they are involved with.

Let's begin buy saying life is a learning lesson,some weeks ago,a lady by kemunto,revealed some confession she received my from in the things,I went through all the confession and I was shocked now reckless and inhuman people are,well let's say the sweat and sore life.

On those confession people were saying how they go to clubs,sleep with men or women and infect them with Aids,this broke my heart In peace because they are on a mission to infect the innocent people,mind you this are our brothers,sisters,cousins,uncles name them all.what a pain.

I happened to read one was saying as I quote"I have infected 30men and my target is 50men and when am done I retire from infecting them,because this men they don't care for there life the sleep with women without using protection".

My heart felt like break down I was literally shaking while reading them,some goes to big clubs and sleep with women and men and they tell them to take Preps after 72hrs is gone,
And I felt like earth should just stop and burry me down there.
Some goes ahead and saying they paid were paid good money to sleep with this men and later realized they were infected with different diseases,like herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis.

Mostly this are young girls who target married men who don't respect there wives and sleep around with any woman,so this girls sleep with them and infect them,later on they infect more and more.there wives get infected innocently also,just wondering where did humanity go,they even have target area,they go big clubs and finish the work there,others do it as a payback because they also infected,so they have to spread the virus,others don't even take medicine.

As I quote,"all this about target it's true,they have a figure to infect,my sister got infected without knowing after meeting a man on the dating app site"just wondering where are we safe,such a dirty world.

Well nowadays it's hard to tell,who is infected or not,most people eat healthy and drink medicine so nobody will know.cause they are healthy and if you take your medication well,the virus go down and you cannot infect anyone.thats medically proven,cause the medicine weaken the virus.but if you detect definitely you will end up infecting your partner.

So let's take care of our health.its not only here,this things are happening world wide.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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