chapter 6

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After what I assumed was an hour of walking through the forest the two aliens brought me to a waterfall. The sight of the waterfall and the area around it was breathtaking, the water was crystal clear and held a purple hue to it that piqued my interest immensely. 'What are the chances that it's safe to drink?'

As my two captors approached the waterfall I realized there was a ledge that passed through and behind the falling water, into a cave.

"Hey! Where are you taking me exactly!?" I squirmed, trying to twist around in an attempt to see better but the one who carried me kept a firm grip and hardly paid me any attention.

As they walked the path beneath the waterfall I had to shield myself with my arms as I was sprayed with cold water. i Could only hope it wasn't toxic...

Upon entering the cave my eyes widened at the sight before me. We were in a large cave System filled with glowing crystals that lit up the dark space in a blue hue. There were strange Animal pelts and furs piled up in the back making what looked to be some kind of bed as well as a few on the floor to act as rugs. makeshift tools, equipment, and even furniture filled the space giving it quite a homely appearance.

The taller of the two males set his spear and pouch attached to his hip off to the side, against one of the walls before going back towards the front of the cave to cup his hands underneath the waterfall and catch some of the liquid in his hands to drink.

The one carrying me took me toward the back and plopped me down on the massive pile of furs. I was relieved to finally be on the ground but also worried about what was going to happen now.

I briefly glanced at the weapons along the walls wondering if I would be able to scare them enough to possibly escape. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted as a deep gurgle sounded in my stomach. Instinctively i covered my stomach as both aliens turned their heads to look at me, and my face flushed red. "I uh... guess im hungry again," i mumbled.

Both of them looked at eachother before the green-eyed male stepped out of the cave leaving me alone with his companion. After watching him leave, the shorter male turned his attention back to me and stepped closer to the bed.

I pulled my legs back as he lowered himself and crawled onto the pile of furs next to me before lying on his side and resting his head on his arm. I looked at him questioningly as his tail flicked around behind him and he grinned.

"Now what?" i asked.

He tilted his head ever so slightly as if confused by the very question at hand. "Why did you bring me here?" a blank stare was all i was given in response. 'I know i shouldn't expect them to understand me but this situation really isn't ideal...' Sighing i rubbed my temples trying too come up with an idea.

The alien before me just watched on in curiosity before reaching out to touch my hair. He ran his clawed fingers through my long locks in admiration as we both sat there. Humming to myself i spoke up once more. "I suppose we should at least learn each other's names, that's a good a place as any to start." sitting up straighter i put my hand over my chest and said my name slowly and clearly. "Nala"

The creature before me blinked before tilting his head even more. "Na-la" i spoke again slower than before. Once again i got no response. 'Do these creatures even have vocal cords?'

"N-ala" a gruff voice came from the entrance. We both looked over to see the green-eyed male reentering the cave, carrying a bunch of fruit in his arms. 'He spoke!'

"Y-yes! Thats right! Nala! My name is Nala. i tapped my chest.

The male lying beside me hummed after seeing my reaction to his companion saying my name, before reaching up to grab my breast and also speaking my name. "Nala!" he smiled

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