𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙸𝙸𝙸

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"Mom, I'm going over to a friend's house to do a project, I'll be back late" I shouted to my mom who was upstairs. And he's definitely not my friend, but I knew my mom would not let me out otherwise.

"10pm at max, you have school at 9 tomorrow!" She answered. I put on my shoes and left the house.

I had packed my laptop, English books, some writing supplies and a pocket knife just in case. Going to some random dude's house, who hates me, all alone, does not sound that good to my ear.

Jeno didn't live far away, it took me 10 minutes to navigate to his house. When I finally found it, I just had to stand there and admire the huge house. It was maybe a two-floored, white modern house with a nice garden. I knew his family was rich but I didn't know they were this rich. I sent a quick message to Donghyuck to call the police if I wouldn't reply before 10pm. I went to the entrance and rang the doorbell with my shaky hand.

"I didn't think you would actually show up." Jeno said right after opening the door and letting me in.

"It's not like I wanted to come, but it seemed like I didn't have a choice." I scoffed and took my shoes off. The house was even prettier inside. It wasn't just a bunch of white, gray and black but also green plants and some silly, colorful decorations here and there.

"Let's just go to my room and get started with the project." He suggested and woke me back to reality by grabbing my arm and dragging me upstairs.

We entered his not-surprisingly big room. It seemed actually pretty comfortable. It had calm LED-lights, a tv and a couch, a table, plants on the windowsill and a huge bed. I placed my stuff on the table and went to the plants.

"Who would've guessed that you like plants, I'm surprised they're still alive." I giggled. He looks like the toughest guy ever but still grows at least six different plants in his room.

"Haha, very funny, come on let's start." Jeno replied and sat next to him on the floor.


We had been doing the project for about an hour now. I started to get sleepy because this might be the most boring thing ever.

"God why is it so hot in your room?" I complained and took my hoodie off. I had a black t-shirt under.

"I get cold really easily, but it is pretty hot right now." Jeno answered and removed his sweatshirt only to reveal his bare body. I quickly turned to look away.

"Aw, are you blushing? I didn't know I was that attractive." He teased.

"No, I turned away so I wouldn't puke." I replied confidently. Although his arms were pretty attractive. He had definitely been working out and had veiny and muscular arms.

"Go put a shirt on asswipe." I demanded, still staring at the Nirvana poster on the wall.

"Fine I'll put the sweatshirt back on." Jeno said and I waited for a moment and turned back, only to see Jeno still shirtless.

"Sike." He smirked.

I tried my best to only focus on my laptop but I noticed my eyes slowly drifting to the blond boy. I clearly wasn't the only one who noticed that.

"Look, I know I'm hot and stuff but try to focus on the project and you can admire me later." Jeno grinned while he kicked me softly.

I rolled my eyes at him and he started laughing. We continued to work on the project, Jeno still shirtless and I, still so annoyed by his whole presence. Even if he had a good-looking body, that didn't save anything.


"I should get going, my mom said to be home at 10." I said, closed the laptop and stretched my arms. I got up and started packing my stuff

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