Past [13]

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When the driver started the car , Prerna lost in her world. Remembering the gesture of her mother-in-law who just met her a day ago showing kindness to her which many people fails to do in past decade.

Prerna always felt invisible since childhood.
Her mother was only parent even her dad was never their.

Kushi Rajput was a independent, fierce and sensitive women ,who loves people Unconditionally. Apart from her daughter she loved her husband (Vikranth).Other than them only her work received that attention.

Khushi Rajput was a Lawyer ,Fighting against injustice since college was what she did ,Vikranth fell for that women later he replaced Khushi with power and money they drifted apart .Vikranth and Khushi were not from old money so media didn't know about Vikranth's first wife or Prerna's existence that time. During a case Khushi and Arjuna  ( her best friend also Arjun' father ) worked together where Vikranth trusted his new business cum partner over his wife and accused her for cheating. His rage took over common sense he exposed Arjuna wherebouts to some criminals where Khushi lost her best friend and 17 year Arjun become orpan .
After that Khushi struggled with her mental health but determined to bring justice to her best friend .

The night after final trial  when Khushi Rajput lose the case it was first Prerna saw her mother slipping away from her world.

Khushi Rajput was shell, a dead soul which still scared Prerna.  One morning suddenly  her mother asked both Prerna and Arjun to pack their bag for boarding school ,they will leave tomorrow.  Prena was angry  didn't want to leave her mother alone so she didn't speak her at all whole day .

At night when mother comes in her room she pretend to sleep. She heard her  saying

"I'm s-orr-y, it's  ti-me to  boring justice to my bes-t fr-iend,  I can't lea-ve hi-m al-one wh-en he never  left me sin-ce chi-ldhoo-d. I wi-sh thi-ngs we-re not like this ba-chha.  I  don't ha-ve a choice,  but mu-mma lov-es you my little fa-iry.  I don't reg-ret meeting your dad b-ecau-se you com-e into my life .

"My little fairy remember
'The Stars are shining  because your heartbeat exists."

If you miss me just listen to your heartbeat.  You are my most precious gift my fairy.  Please don't believe what people say . I love you ever ....... kissing my forehead she walked out.

"forever ..... Prerna mumbled .

She wants to hug her mother but waited till morning beacuse her mother likes to work in silence.

After waiting for two hours, Getting restless she knocked her mother's door who didn't open !Prerna sat beside the door ...she waited

10:30 pm

She waited,  no sound heard ,she starts counting in her mind ,looking at ceiling,  window from where light was coming .

10.47 pm

Her mother never did this before  ,she knows Prerna loves to sleep beside her mother .

She looked at clock. Needles moving slowly , small than large slowly...

She heard voices in backyard . Near the lake behind her mother's parental house.
Where her mom. she and Arjun are living since final hearing.

"Don't be stupid , You trusted the wrong person."

"She is going in trail."



Her mom.

But she was not alone .A man was there with few other who had masks . They walked Mumma kept telling them no , saying she couldn't be saying silent anymore and he didn't like that.

'We have a deal , My company and their safety.'

'Will you listen? She don't want to stay silent against you and your father. '

'Is is about the guy from factory. '

Mumma cluched her fists ' Don't start again, you killed an innocent man to protect your heinous crimes !she is key witness against your assault case.

He raked his hands through his hair 'Your husband know you were fucking him? This is about losing your lover right? He gave me your address you know!  Smart man , just for some penny sold his family's safety.  But the case by that bloody women is reason , All lawyer's feared my family's name but you took pity on that peace of shit  ' Before mom could respond,he grew more and more upset ,his chest puffing in and out.

He screamed at her,his voice cracking. "That fucking launtic! he shouted, slapping her hard across the face. She stumbled backward and whimpered her hand covering her mouth " I gave that whore everything, we had a arrangement,  I just took over a business. We were getting on our feet . but bitch had problem with people i was working? what about family future I planned? " He forward his hand toward other who walk towards mumma ,they start beating mercilessly .

I jerked from my feet and stumbled back , My throat tightened as my eyes stared across the way ,where the man who reminded me of dark sky wrapped his hand around my mom's neck. "She can't leave me." He said almost begging her as he choked and shook her. My mom screamed clawing at his hands. He shook her. She screamed, trying to gasp for air .He shook her . She screamed and I felt hands.
It felt as if hands were around me choking me shaking me, dragging me.My fingers wrapped down my neck and I begged for air knowing that if I felt like I could not breathe.
Arjun was standing behind me covering my mouth. His eyes teary.

Those man started dragging my mom's body toward water.
In the moment we both know who he was.
The Rajvansh.
The Devil.
The devil pulled  mom's body toward the water the other helped to shove her head beneath its waves.
And my mom's eyes met mine .
It felt like enterity.
Its like she is in peace.
May be seeing me last time before closing her eyes ,she felt happy.
In that moment we both know there is no turning back .we are going to meet after Qayamat.
She knew , I knew if anyone blink their eyes we will never able to look into each other.
They snatched my mother's life in front of my eyes .
She smiled last time .
Those beautiful eyes , those pouty lips curved one last time . I savoured the moment last time.
We said silent goodbyes.
It was you and me forever mumma.
I put a hand on my heart , and mumbled "I love you ....

"Forever" she never said but I heard.

Its me now against the world mumma.

She stopped fighting,  her eyes softened like muttering..

My little fairy remember
'The Stars are shining  because your heartbeat exists."

And I stopped breathing.

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