Just One Night Extras!

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Hey guys!

Very quickly...

UPDATES!: I am in the process of editing Just One Night, and the title was changed (in case you didn't know) because I felt that the original title wasn't publishing worthy, and I really do want to attempt to get this published. Bare with me, it could happen. Later. Also, I reached an AMAZING 15 million reads!!! You guys have NO idea how excited I was/am about this!!:D I love you, every single one of you, for this:) Seriously, I do.

Now, explanations. This is kind of just an intro to something new I want to do. If any of you have any one shot ideas, or any spin-off ideas, and I know there are a couple out there right now, or even poems let me know! I'll put a link to them on a "chapter" here so people can find them easier, and it will give me easy access to them:D

Sound good? OK.

AND another great thing about this, is that I can use it for updates and for just random "oh, hey, this is where I am with editing" stuff.

So, yeah. Enjoy:D


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