His touch[15]

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"You and I need to talk ,Sweetheart. " Abhimanyu said grabbing the back of my neck .

A chill run down my spine hearing and watching the man standing in front of her with dangerous glint in his eyes.
He stared straight at my emotionless eyes with his cold and empty eyes which I never seen before.....

You didn't provoke him either before..

A sinistic grin appeared on his face watching my body shudder at his touch .
I stared at him like, I don't know what he wants to discuss now.

"I think you very well know ,what you did downstairs?, don't you !" He chuckled while trying to touch my face but I immediately duck down and took some steps back in order to avoid his touch.

He smirked watching my reaction than took back his hand from my neck and shoved in his pocket.

Chalak Adami using his hot body for advantage

"So you think I don't understand you provoked Bade papa intentionally. " Abhimanyu asked grinning like a cheshire cat .

"So? What will you do." I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

'I will find out your motive sweetheart , I defend you infront of my family and sometime I don't like their decisions doesn't mean, I let  some outsider destroy this. So be very very careful Prerna Abhimanyu Rajvansh, my eyes are watching your every move ,the day I get proof against you . That will be the end of this fucking drama of our marriage. " He threaten very calmly.

"Try your best Dear husband beacuse Prerna Rajput never let anyone come in between her motive." I poked his chest and left the door banging.


Governor office

Walking inside my cabin I settled on my chair .

Arjun ,Ayesha [PA] followed behind .

"Prerna the documents we prepared are signed by Akash Kule [Governor] its time to announce your name in front of the world." Arjun said.

Hmm." I mumbled.

Today the Governor of our state is going to pay for his deeds. The day Arjun and me returned from lake . We find a letter from mom with message.

Letter ✉️ ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇

" The bags I packed for your school have all the important data ,name of culprits and the people behind this chaos , Your Dad Arjun loved you so much , but my love I want you both to hide from world till this case files  become dust . Find a way to return the favor later . I want both of you to never leave each other's side . I want to tell you a tail Arjun and don't forget this will not change your feelings for you.

Me[khushi], your dad and your mom [ Piya] we were childhood friends.  Having no parents guidance and career options Piya left for Allenpine city for better future.  She was free spirited girl ,Never cared about anybody. Arjuna was devastated so was I .but different reasons, he loved Piya waited for suitable job opportunities before proposal. May be that was his mistake he blamed himself for Piya's condition till his last breath.

We both were  doing are law practice when one Piya informed us she got married.
Arjuna went to depression and my parents married me to Vikranth.  I was angry at Piya for doing thus to Arjuna so we never went to meet her . Arjuna put himself in work and I was playing happy wife at home.

After few months Arjuna called me told Piya is waiting for us at his home.
We went their leaving our job midway. We were happy to met her .
But seeing her condition everything went into vain. She was malnourished,  mistreated having a sling on her left hand . When she saw us ,she start crying.
After wenting her pain out .She told us about her marriage, her in-laws. How they treated her. She was pregnant but his family wants to kill her child like they did to her previous one .  She told us that they never liked and wanted his son to married their selected girl . Her husband was good person ,loved her treated her with respect but never defended her infront of his family.
She was scared wants to kill herself in fact she left a letter to her husband about her suicide. But later her pregnancy reports saved her. So she took next train and reached us.

Arjuna promised her to protect her . I was their for  her during pregnancy.  Piya gave birth to Arjun , Arjuna Roy was content with life . Piya gave her son his best friend's name . She never loved him like a woman loves a man And he never stopped but never confessed.  Their love story was devastating to witness.  I saw longing in Piya's eyes for her husband .
Arjuna saw it too her  but never let her miss a best friend in her life .
Three year went by we were never this happy.   Arjuna Piya Arjun were most beautiful family people witness in our city. A strom was waiting for us . I was pregnant with Prerna on her due date ,Vikranth was out of city when my labour pain started your Bua called Arjuna. 
Piya was in market so leaving three year old Arjun was not option so he rushed us hospital.
I gave birth to beautiful fairy,  But are happiness was short lived when we found out Arjuna house catch fire .

Piya was safe somehow but he lost his whole life hardwork.
Next day he lost his job. Soon it was clear someone was behind it . Piya mental health took a tole she was devastated to face her past .  She started working with my mentor as assistant.  Something happened at work place Leaving Arjun's custody to her best friend she took her life. We were devastated.  Arjun was 7 year old than . Prerna was 3 ,so don't remember her Piya massi at all.

For next 10 years things went at its pace .we were empty but living for our children.

One day a man who started fire at Arjuna house come in my office for daughter's case. She was abused by some people.  He confessed his decade old crimes . The name of the person who disclosed Piya's hideout shook my entire life .
In those  entire years we only know her husband's first name . No address, surname nothing.
My senior lawyer who was like a father figure to me and Arjuna sold my best friend.  A life he was greedy bastard who wants to climb success ladder quickly.
Akash kule sold us Arjun ,Prerna, he was the person who become the reason for those monsters to return in Piya's happy life.

◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ end of ,letter ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇

My thoughts were broken when we heard door opening

Akash kule man of hour entered.....

"How dare you bitch , You can't snatch my years hardwork. "..............

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