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It hurts!" Selena gasped, sliding from her chair and pulling the tablecloth down. The porcelain shattered on impact with the ground.

"Help me!" she reached out to her lover with shaking hands. Panic set in as she struggled to breathe, vision flickering. Shards dug into her back as she writhed on the ground. Her throat burned, and her entire body felt ablaze. Glass crunched underfoot as her lover approached.

"What are you doing? Call for help!" she choked, blood pouring out, the taste of iron filling her mouth. Her wolf whined for her mate. "Babe! Is it done?" a voice called out as someone ran in. Selena's vision cleared momentarily, and she stared at her best friend's face.

'Ray? Babe? What?'

"She's still alive? What are you doing?" Ray asked, entering the room and closing the door behind her.

"I.." Sif began, "There is no time for this," she said, walking to the window and drawing the curtains closed.

Selena blinked slowly at them; surely it couldn't be? Would her mate and best friend poison her? Were they in a relationship? Her wolf was getting restless. She reached out to her lover again, tears poured down her face and mixed with the smeared blood, her wolf mewled for him to hold her, to let her know it was all a bad dream, and they were okay.

Sif frowned and took a step forward. Selena smiled through bloodied teeth; 'yes, please come.' Ray stepped in between them and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Sorry, but it had to be this way. Do you know how hard it has been? To watch my mate be with another person?" she said.

"What?" Selena mouthed, no longer able to speak.

"Yeah, big shock, right? I couldn't bear the idea of sneaking around anymore, so I had to take you out of the picture. No hard feelings, yeah?" Ray smiled brightly like her childhood friend wasn't dying at her feet.

'This couldn't be true; my wolf accepted Sif as our mate. So he had to be. Right?'

The pain overwhelmed her senses, darkness encroaching on her vision. "This is taking too long," Ray sighed, "End it quickly," she said to Sif.

'No, no, no, this can't be real; this can't be happening.'

The last thing she saw before it went dark was her "lover's" hand reaching for her neck and his cold, dark eyes filled with hate...

As consciousness slowly returned, Selena felt disoriented, her body heavy and unresponsive.
'Wha- what's happening?' Selena thought drowsily. Blindfolded, with limbs like lead, she was carried over someone's shoulder. "Woah! I think she's waking up," someone said. Selena didn't recognise the voice. An Eastern accent this far west? Where was she?

"That's faster than usual," someone else replied. Selena grunted as she was hefted up, shoulder digging into her stomach. "She's a Luna; of course, it would be different. Now hurry up!" a lady shouted.

Thrown off, she hit a wooden surface, crying out in surprise and shock, curling into a fetal position. Someone removed her blindfold, and it took a while for her eyes to focus. "Hey there! Have a nice nap?" she blinked up at the crouched figure of her best friend.

"R-ray?" she slurred, frowning.

'What was going on? Didn't they poison her to death?'

"Yeah, it's me. You just had to make things difficult for me, huh?" Ray asked, tilting Selena's chin with a scowl.

"Why couldn't you have died from the poison, huh? You just love stressing me out, even now, you couldn't have stayed asleep?" She pushed Selena's face to the side harshly.

"We gave you a hefty dose, you know, but here you are," she jumped to her feet and started to pace.

"Awake and ready to ruin my plans, as usual." She stopped to look at Selena. "I tried hard to get rid of you, and honestly, it was a chore, what with all those busybodies trying to get in the way," Ray grinned, and her fangs glinted in the candlelight.

"I have to give it to you, though; you're a nice person, and all this wouldn't be possible without you. So thank you, and don't worry Sif and I will take good care of the pack," she said, turning to the Eastern slave merchant.

"She's a good specimen, body, and health; I want complete payment." She held out her hand and collected the bag of what seemed to be gold.

"Also, you'd best give her another dose, or she'll try to escape," she said as she counted the money.

Selena's vision again blurred as the slaver moved closer to her with a cloth. 'No, no, stop!' she struggled as he covered her nose and mouth with the doused cloth.

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