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Lauren sat on the stool, flipping through the pages of her book. She bobbed her head lightly along to The 1975 playlist blaring out of the speakers. She checked her watch, sighing. Only about an hour left before she could clock out.

Her family owned a small photography business. Lauren has always worked with her parents, taking pictures of people of the town or just simple forms of architecture around the city. Its one of her favorite past times.

Lauren continued to read her book for about five more minuets until she heard the door of the shop open, the small bell ringing loudly.

Two people came in and Lauren figured it was a mom and daughter. She got up off of her stool and stood at the counter, waiting for the pair to approach her.

"C'mon mija," The mom said, slightly annoyed, as her daughter followed her in with a pout. "Please just do this so we can get it over with."

Before Lauren could open her mouth to say anything, her dad bounded out with a large smile plastered on his face.


The mom whipped around before becoming embraced into a large hug. Her daughter steppes back a little before sharing a confused look with Lauren.

"Mike, how are you," She spoke, smiling.

"I'm good." He answered sharing the same smile.

The parents broke off into a conversation about something about their last few years of life. Lauren and Sinu's daughter stood awkwardly in their place trying to figure out how their parents knew each other.

Finally realizing that they weren't the only ones in the room, Sinu patted her daughter on the shoulder and introduced her to Lauren and Mike.

"This is my daughter, Camila." She said.

Camila offered a wave, smiling. "Hi."

"Hi, Camila. Its nice to.finally meet you." Mike said before turning to grab his daughter and placed her in front of him."This is Lauren."

Lauren smiled at them but only focused on Camila. She let her eyes roam the girls face. She was beautiful. She had a perfectly defined jaw, a perfect skin complection and pink full lips that formed a small smile. Lauren eventually let her eyes wonder up to meet the other girl's. They were a deep hazel color that Lauren seemed stuck in.

The pair continued to battle each other in a staring contest for what felt like ages until Mike mentioned his daughter's name.

"Lauren can take care of that for you, can't you Lo?" Mike patted her shoulder.

"Wait, wha-," She stuttered before remembering the actual reason the other family of two was there. "Ohh, yeah, yeah. I can do that."

Camila giggled a little at Lauren before following her into the backroom where the photos were taken. Camila looked around, bobbing her head softly to the music as Lauren set up the camera area.

"Is this The 1975?" She asked as Lauren walked to a table to clean her camera lense.

"Yeah, you know them?"

"I love them," Camila gave a toothy grin which Lauren thought was adorable. "They're one of my favorite bands actually."

"Same here." Lauren smiled back, motioning for Camila to step in front of the camera, which she did. "I forgot to ask, what kind of photos are these?"

"Um, head-shots I think? I'm going to an audition and that's what they said." Camila answered obviously having no idea what a head shot is.

"Gotcha," Lauren laughed softly.

After explaining to Camila what and head shot is, Lauren gave an explaination on how she was going to take the pictures.

After about thirty minutes of the two chatting away about different things as Lauren took the pictures, they finally went over them, trying to choose which one should be used for the audition.

Lauren sat at a stool while Camila stood behind her. After a few minutes of standing the brown haired girl softly placed her head on Lauren's shoulder, putting her hands on either side of the stool, not wanting to put all of her weight on Lauren.

She immediately tensed up, her breath hitching in the back of her throat. Camila seemed not to notice, which Lauren was grateful for. Trying to keep her cool, she continued to go through the rest of the pictures.

"You take really nice pictures," Camila slightly whispered.

Her close proximity sending chills down Lauren's spine. She swallowed before responding, "Yeah?"


They fell back into silence, Camila pointing out something she liked in a photo every few minutes or so. Lauren continued to keep her mouth shut, in case she said something stupid in front of her new friend.

Eventually, Camila chose the photo she liked best. Lauren helping by saying "it complements your eyes."

That earned a blush from the smaller girl.

She followed Lauren back up to show Sinu what she chose. As Sinu payed Lauren and Camila talked a little. Finding out that they just moved to Miami, Lauren thought of that as a good enough reason to get Camila's number.

"So, since you just moved here, I was wondering if I could get your number? Y'know so you'll have someone you know down here." She asked shyly."Well not because I like you or anything like that, I mean I do like you b-"

"Lauren," Camila giggled placing her hand on Laurens shoulder to stop her from talking anymore. "Sure Lauren"

Lauren whipped her head up,"What?"

"I said you can have my number." The brown haired girl smiled.

Lauren blushed, exchanging phones with Camila to put in her number while the other girl did the same.

Reluctantly, Lauren bid Camila and Sinu goodbye, knowing they couldn't stay forever. She stood by the door, her hands in her pocket as the mother and daughter walked down the street, Camila pausing to wave one last time before the pair dissappeared around the corner.

Lauren smiled, knowing that she'll be seeing more of Camila this year. Mike stood next to Lauren for a bit before putting his arm around her.

"C'mon, kiddo," He said as he and Lauren walked back into the store. "Let's lock up."

A/N this is my first Camren one shot so please bear with me. i got the idea from a vine where Lauren was a photographer and Camila was her regular customer so i thought why not? so here i am. anyways i hope you liked it. thanks for reading :)


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