Poker Night/Story Time at The Inventory

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The night was cold and mysterious as my ride pulled up at what looked like an abandoned factory. If there was such a thing as suspicious, this was it. I went to the door, hoping I wouldn't die, but then it opened, leading me to a small room with an intercom in it. The voice from the intercom said, "Welcome to Dixon Kent's Games and Amusements Factory. And why are you here today?" I answered, "I'm here to see your inventory." A green buzzer light activated and called an elevator to the room. I stepped in and went down into the lounge. That's when I saw...

"Oh, hello there! Another enthusiast, I presume? I am Commodore Reginald van Winslow, retired." The former pirate introduced. "Hunter Matzer," I replied, "It's good to be here!" "How good it is to see a fresh face here at the Inventory. I imagine you're here for the card game downstairs." "Not to be a jerk," I quipped, "but why else does anyone come here?" "I can see you'll fit in quite nicely." Winslow said, "Let me lead you down there." We continued our conversation as we walked. "So," Winslow asked, "what led you to The Inventory?" "A couple of your regulars gave me the go-ahead to apply for a membership. Three weeks later, boom! A limo shows up near my doorstep. I saw this place in those two video games Telltale made and I gotta say, it's better than I imagined."

"And I take it you know how our little 'sanctuary' was formed?" Winslow wondered. I replied, "From what Tycho said, this was the original location of Dixon Kent's Games and Amusements Factory, founded in 1899. When Kent found out that an early draft of the 18th Amendment contained a clause outlawing the sale of games and amusements as well as alcohol, he opened this place in secret so makers and enthusiasts would always have a place to go." "Pah! Can you imagine? GAMES OUTLAWED?" Winslow complained. "Given this modern political climate, that may soon be a possibility." I added. "Nevertheless," Winslow finished, "this club has remained here in secret ever since, just in case those "in charge" get another bee in their bonnet, hmm?"

We reached the bottom of the stairs and over to the table, which hadn't changed location since the second game. "Ah, your table!" Winslow said, "Please, make yourself comfortable. We're still waiting for our remaining contestants." As he said that, a young voice yelled "Hello!" We turned around and saw a girl no older than the age of eight. "Ah," Winslow spoke, "Ms. True! Please come on down! Our newest player has just arrived." "I didn't take you as the gambling type." I said. "Well," True answered as she made it to the table, "I just really like playing poker. I don't usually expect to win these games." "Yeah, well I have a metric FUCK-TON of money!" A loud, booming voice cried out, "So yeah! I'm here to win!" The voice belonged to a red and white demon in a suit.

"This better not go like last time, Blitz!" Winslow warned. "Oh come on!" Blitzo complained, "For the last time, it wasn't my fault! It was that bimbo rhomboid!" "That would probably explain why I saw Claptrap's photo on the 'Banned for Life' wall over there." I added. "Yes," Winslow explained, "and good riddance! Why we hadn't done it sooner, I will never understand." Then, an all-too-familiar blue blur sped to the table and had a seat. "Deal me in." Sonic said, unenthused. "Excellent!" Winslow exclaimed, "Now we wait for..." A blue girl immediately dropped in and landed, placing her lightsaber on the table as to not activate it. "Sorry I'm late guys!" Lys said. "Nonsense, Ms. Solay!" Winslow assured, "You're just in time! Alright, ladies and gents, the game will be No Limit Texas Hold'em. Our dealer will periodically raise the blinds."

"Wait!" True asked. "You're not the dealer? Who is?" "Don't worry, young True!" Winslow said, "I shall leave you five to the tender mercies of Branch." "Oh." I realized as he dropped down from the ceiling. "Sup?" Branch introduced. "First, the psycho robot, now this tiny little guy?" Blitzo said annoyed. Branch rebutted by pinning the imp down with his hair. "Point taken." He said, strained by Branch's actions. Branch let go as Winslow announced the buy-in. "As always, the tournament buy-in is $20,000." We all placed the buy-in needed and Winslow closed his opening remarks. "Everything seems to be in order. The chips are stacked, the deck is shuffled. Let the tournament begin, and as always, may the best player win!"

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