Whos that boy?

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Jessica, was a very pretty and, educated girl, and she came from a wealthy family. Any boy could have fallen in love within a second with her, but she, didnt believe love at first sight was real, she believed that they would leave her if they get to know her more.

She had a few friends who she knew would never, even in her most bad moments, would leave her.

One day, she got the news that she would be transferred to a new city. She felt exited, as she loved to explore, but never got the time to travel much.

When she was done with the interior of her apartment, she realised she was short of milk, bread and some vegetables. She went to her nearest grocery store to pick up her requirements.

She couldn't find the bread anywhere, and was kind of shy to ask anyone, finnaly she gathered the courage and went to the cashier to ask for the bread

"Excuse me? Could you tell me whe-"

She was astonished by the beauty of the cashier, he was a young, handsome boy with sharp features

"Yes, can I help you in any way, miss?"  The boy replied

"U-uhm, yeah! I just wanted to ask where the bread was"  She replied awkwardly

"Yeah, it's right over there" He said pointing in a direction

Jessica thanked him and went home with her grocery. When she reached home, she could not stop thinking about the boy she met at the store

"Who's that boy?"  She thought to herself.

The next day, she was determined to know the boys name.

"Ok Jessica, today you have two goals. 1-know that boys name and 2- get his number
Come on!you can do it!"

As she walked to the store, she realised, she fell in love with him at a sight....she just proved herself wrong.

When she was at the store, she noticed that the cashier was a different person, she asked to the cashier

"Excuse me but, wasnt there a different boy here yesterday? He was youn-"  She got cut off when she heard a familiar voice behind her, she turned back to see the boy she was searching for

"Looking for me?" The boy said in a soft tone

"Yes, I was." She said confidently

"Well, how can I help you?"

"Hm, let's see. Just wait a minute,
I am gonna buy some things, till then can you please wait for me?"
She asked in a flirty tone

The boy was flattered by hearing her , he agreed to wait for her

After like, 5 minutes, Jessica went to the boy and asked his name

"Hey! I feel like it would be rude to talk to you without knowing your name, my name's Jessica, nice to meet you"

"Jake, nice to meet you too. So, what did you wanted to say to me?

"Yeah, so, will you go out with me"
She asked very confidently. There was an awkward silence between them for a solid minute.

"Uhm, well.. I've known you since like, yesterday so-"

"Just tell me, a yes or no?"

"Well, I'm sorry to say it but... no, im fine"

She kind of felt embarrassed but she kinda knew she would get a no so, it was okay for her

"Mkay, it's fine I anyway knew it, bye!" Saying that she left and continued her day as usual


Hi! So uhm, I kinda ended this in a well, bad way! But it's okay! I hope u enjoyed this! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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