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Freddy was walking around the pizzeria when he saw a vent it was dirty and old so Freddy though 'I can clean this quickly!'. So he got to work on it he got the cleaning supplies for it and he walked over to it and he got on his knees to clean it then he thought'I should clean the inside of it... might be for the best so a kid doesn't..'. And when Freddy started to move into the vent he was suddenly stopped he tried to move more into it but he couldn't since he realized he was too big for the vent and he was in a bad situation but then

Bonnie: Hey Freddy!

Freddy realized that Bonnie was looking for him he got a bit scared.

Freddy: o-over here Bonnie..

Bonnie looked and he saw Freddy stuck in a vent.

Bonnie: oh my.. what a treat
Freddy: don't say it like that just get me out of this..
Bonnie: and what's in it for me?
Freddy: just anything to get me out of here!
Bonnie: anything?
Freddy: YES!!
Bonnie: calm down big guy.. I'll be taking you to pound town~

Freddy heard the sound of pants falling to the ground and Freddy is gonna have to suffer his words consequences

Freddy: go gentle.. please- ! *gasp*

Freddy felt his pants being ripped off and then his underwear Bonnie got on his knees and spread Freddy's cheeks apart and Bonnie pushed his tongue into Freddy's ass causing the bear to moan a bit

Freddy: B-Bonnie~.. mmh~..

After a few minutes Bonnie took his tongue out he was looking at his work

Bonnie: Oh yeah.. imma send you to parts and service
Freddy: please.. please do...

Bonnie then tore off his own underwear and his cock was placed at a angle where it was teasing Freddy

Freddy: cmon Bonnie.. please just fuck me!
Bonnie: what are the words Freddy?
Freddy: please.. fuck me Bonnie
Bonnie: that'll do

Bonnie soon began to fuck Freddy he was going at a slow paste at first but he started to pick up speed and Freddy was moaning loudly through the ventilation system and Bonnie didn't slow down one bit but then


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