𝓐 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓵 𝓓𝓪𝔂

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I immediately run to grab my phone as I sigh in relief knowing it was Akaza who was calling me.
"Who's that Douma?" Daki questioned.
"Oh it's uh a friend!"
"A friend huh? Name?"
"Oh it's Akaza.." I could feel my self blushing slightly. Before she could tease me about my blushing I answer the phone.


Douma had finally picked up the phone as he began to say.
"Hey Akaza!"
"Hey.. Uhm since you called me earlier did you need anything?"
"Ah, no I just felt like calling you that's all~ After all I love speaking with you!" I could feel my face heat up!! I didn't even know how to respond..
"O-oh well uhm How about we talk before school..? If you want of course!"
"Hmm.. I'd love that Akaza! See you then?"
"Okay see ya.." I hang up a red mess. As I was about to exit the house to walk to school I see Morgan. My sister. She ran to me and gave me a hug as she said goodbye. I hugged her back then left.
As I approached the School I could see Douma waiting for me but he was wirh someone else..? Her hair was white and long and she has ocean blue eyes. She was quite beautiful but she seemed very young. Too young for Douma I bet. Wait? Why am I even thinking that? Doesn't matter. I see Douma wave to me as he calls my name "Akaza! Over here!"
I walk over to the two as Douma introduces this girl.. Her name was Daki. She seemed sweet but I still didn't like her. The way she talks with Douma wasn't amusing to me..
But I've decided to not let it bother me. After all Doumas a player but he wouldn't date a minor right?
"Anyways! Daki I'll talk to you later, I'd like to spend time with Akaza if that's alright?"
My heart fluttered..My cheeks were turning red. I could tell Douma didn't notice but Daki..She definitely did..
"Yeah sure no problem Douma! Have fun you two!" She says while winking towards me.
Me and Douma began to enter the school together as I felt him his arm on my shoulder as he began speaking about who knows what. I felt like he was jumping from topic to topic every second! But it's okay. I like his ranting for some odd reason so I didn't mind it. I couldn't help but smile a bit.
"Akaza~! Are you smiling? Did I finally get a grin out of you?"
I look at him immediately removing the smile trying to gaslight him.
"What? No! U-uh I wasn't smiling I was uh.."
"Akaza there's no need to be shy you know~? I can tell you were anyways. Don't try gaslighting me now Darling~"
Before I could say anything the bell had rung so Douma ended the conversation with,
"Well, I must go now but I'll talk to you later Akaza!" "Bye!"
"B-bye Douma.."
I could barely breathe! I felt as if my heartbeat was raising so high! I rush to class trying push this off my mind. Darling? Douma really called me Darling?! Ugh! No time for that now Akaza! Just focus!

                             (3 Hours Later)

So.... I didn't focus at all. I just couldn't stop thinking about what Douma had said! Every time to left my mind it came right back. It was like a disease. It was finally lunch time and so I went to go sit with my friends and maybe talk to them about this. I walk towards our table to see all my friends greet me. But there was Someone with them..?
"Hey Akaza? What's up?!"
"Hey Kaigaku, Shinobu, Kyojuro, and uhm.."
"Oh sorry Akaza! This is Sarah. She's pretty cool!"
"Oh uhm hello Sarah nice to meet you.."
"Hey Akaza! Nice to meet you as well!"
She smiled at me but I didn't like it. It looked forced and as if she didn't like me at all. Maybe it's my looks.. I wouldn't be surprised to be honest. After all a lot of people find my looks hideous or scary..I'm used to it. I sit down next to Kyojuro and begin to eat my lunch. As I was eating and talking to my friends I felt someone touch my shoulder. I look and turn to see Douma standing right behind me.
"Heyyy guys! How's everything? Oh hey Sarah!"
Everyone except Sarah looked at him funny. I bet they couldn't believe a popular would treat us as friends. I stand and was about to say him but then Sarah pushed me as she hugged Douma tight.
"OMG HIIII Douma!! I've missed you so much you know?!"
Douma giggled awkwardly. He looked either annoyed or uncomfortable maybe even both.
"Hey Sarah! I've missed you too. Anyways I just wanted to ask if I could borrow Akaza for a second? I just need to clarify something. "
"Oh uhm sure that would be fine.. Guys I'll be right back okay? "
I waved goodbye as I walked with Douma to his office I'm familiar with.
"So Akaza I just wanted to ask where you'd like to go for our dinner tomorrow?"
"O-oh uhh I'm not sure.. You can choose if you'd like."
"Hmm how about ______?"
"Oh yeah! That's good."
We both agreed and before I was about to leave I hear him say,
"Bye Darling see you tomorrow~!"
I blushed so hard. I open the door shaking from how flustered I was then went back over to my friends table. Once I got there everyone except Sarah kept questioning me about what Douma needed. Sarah just glanced at me angrily. I don't know why though. Surely I did nothing wrong right..? Well it's whatever I guess. Nothing to worry about right now. I should just focus on class.

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