xxiv. blake's halloween bash

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chapter twenty four — blake's halloween bash

ᝰ 。˚⋆ INFRUNAMIchapter twenty four — blake's halloween bash

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no pink line cause i can't add photos :(

"SCOBELL, I THINK YOU STOLE MY outfit." blake crossed her arms as she spotted walker at her own party.

"more like you stole mine." walker said, taking another sip of his ginger ale.

"come who payed for it, who's idea was it?" blake said.

"you wouldn't let me pay for it, or choose." walker said.

"you wanted to me an outlet and a cord walker. that's the corniest thing ever." blake walked towards the snacks and threw carmalized popcorn in her mouth.

"i was going to let you be the cord!"

"that doesn't make it any better."

"besides, we look great as lola and bugs. i think we fit them pretty well." blake smirked.

"aw, are you saying you want to be my girlfriend. i'm honored." walker said, shocked by what just left his mouth.

blake scoffed, "as if you could ever have someone like me as your girlfriend." "you don't think i could?"

"not a chance."

the tension between the duo was split by momona, who ran over to her friends.

"blakent!" she said, tackling blake as she hugged her. "is that...my name and blanket combined?" blake said.

"yeah, i'm still workshopping it." mo sighed, hugging blake again.

she then turned to walker, his hands in his pocket. "what's up wallpaper."

"seriously, that was from secret headquarters days." walker rolled his eyes.

"im never giving it up." mo laughed. she then moved back a bit, looking between blake and walker.

"are you guys...lola and bugs? from looney toons slash space jam?" she asked, confused.

walker and blake nodded, and that just made momona way more confused.

"you guys do know they're a couple..right? so does that mean you guys...."

"mo, no! walker and i were not..."

"yeah blake and i are friends. just friends." walker said, and he swore he felt his heart burn when he said that.

blake smiled, even though she was dying inside. did he mean that?

walker grabbed blake's waist, bringing her close to him. since she was caught of guard blake's hand flew to walker's chest, thinking she was going to fall.

𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈 ,, walker scobellWhere stories live. Discover now