💐;; 𝐂𝐇. 𝟏𝟒 ✾ '𝐋𝐈𝐋𝐘 𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃' ✾

146 5 5

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

(( I'm so sorry that I took forever to make chapters again. I was so busy😭😭😭😢😢😢😢.. But hey I did made an new book😍.. It's not very fun or an x reader so. I will make an new book soon and make sure it's fun to read. Btw. Enjoy this chapter!)

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

You were still stuck in red velvet's arms. Your flattering-flattered. You moved away and that woke red velvet up. He was increasingly annoyed. Of course he will he was enjoying the cuddle

Y/n ::"a-ah.. Sorr-"

Red velvet hushed you up. You blushed again and he pinned you up against the bed. ( he's top. Your bottom. And you'll always be bottom forever..) Red velvet scoffs. Still looking irritated... You never know what will happen to you or what he will do... But he's probably planning for he's next move..

Y/n ::"m-mmpf.. Red velvet..?"

He kissed you so you won't say another word again . You shivered when you also felt hes cake-arm traveling around in your sex- ahem AHEM. body. An devilish smirk went across he's face as he said..

Red velvet :: "my~ my~.. Your just to exciting that I don't know where to even start~.. Hm... ~"

You got suprised by how... Horny he seem is. Red velvet started pulling down your skirt and unbuttoned your shirt. He kissed you again as he's tounge went inside into your wet cavern as you moan in pleasure.

Your lifted you thighs up in he's shoulders. Red velvet placed he's non-cake arm inside of your ass. Pleasuringly thrusting it... You moaned again as he kissed you again... When he finnally pulled away your both strigs of saliva was coming out of your both's mouth..

He's hand went up and cupped your breast as he suck your breast with he's mouth. It felt very good to you.. You were trying to handle your cum.

Red velvet ::"don't cum yet darling~.. "

He squeezed your pussy . You cried with pleasure. He chuckled as he's hand went inside if your pussy you moaned again..

Y/n ::" p-please stop... That's ver-very sensi- a-Ah-ahh~..!!"

He bit your neck now and sucking it up just like an slut. ~

Red velvet ::"your so sensitive y/n..its almost very annoying.. "

He said anoyingly

Y/n ::"o-oh... I'm so-"

Red velvet ::"shut up or il punish you more rough~.. "

You blushed not wanting that to happen... He thrust you up. He pulled downhes pants a bit and he's finger went inside of he's wet-pussy for 19 seconds and pulls it out. And puts he's finger inside of your mouth.

Red velvet ::"suck that up darling~.. "

You got suprised you trembled slot bc of he's other thumb was rubbing your hip. You shivered again in he's touch.

Finnally it's the end of the sex. Your cum finnally splattered all over the bed as he giggled at you.

Red velvet ::"you created such an total mess dear~... Now.. Fix yourself up. Il take care of you... For now. "

He pulled he's pants up and leaved you in an total mess.. After fixing yourself up.. You hop into sleep...

*/ The next day. *\

It's another school day. You wonder what will happen for now.. Your at your room.. It seems that red velvet carried you home since your home is close to he's house.

/* timeskip *\

You were finnally at school again. Still thinking that pleasure you and red velvet had together.. You realized your supposed to focus on your studies but.. It seems love taken over to you very very much.

After class.. You looked at window. You should probably go outside since there's no one to talk to. You went down the building and ... Of course you're total lover 'prune juice' is back again he pulled you in an tight hug.

Prune juice ::"aghh~... Your so warm darling... I always wanted to f*ck you ~.. "

You blushed about he's perverted words

Y/n ::"sh-shut up creep!"

He chuckled and kissed your neck.
And snuggled you up like your his litel buwito :3 and of course it was very cute of him..!

/* after school *\

You were finnally going home after another tiring day. You decided to go the lily field . It looks beautiful with its beautiful lilies as ever... The scent.. The petals... They are just so beautiful as the sky! You crashed into somecookie .

The 'somecookie' you crashed into was white lily cookie. She was surprised to see your presence around the lilies..

White lily ::"y-you..! What are you doing here..?!"

Y/n ::"o-oh... I'm so sorry white lily...! "

White lily ::"what.are.you.doing.here.. "

She said looking annoyed but. She have the red-ish shade in her cheeks and she looked very nervous than before..

Y/n ::"oh.. I was just looking at these beautiful white lilies..! They remind me to how pretty you also are..!"

Oh sh1t. She turned to the shade of read.

White lily ::"b-beautiful.. L-like.."

Y/n ::"beautiful like you! You may not like me but. I love your kind heart and sweet angelic-voice.! I really like your intelligence! Even your lily aroma are very pleasant to me.. "

White lily turned to scarled red than an tomato could probably be jealous.

White lily ::"t-thank you y/n...why are you so... Sweet even though.. "

Y/n ::"sometimes cookies deserve these kindness..! I know there's always an sweet spot of love inside of your heart. I know you hate me.. But I see you as an sweet person to me white lily!

White lily looked away ashamed of what she kept treating you all these times when ever she saw you. She turned very red again... You chuckled seeing how cute she also is!

Y/n ::"aawwwh! Your so cute white lily! I just wanna hug you or squeeze your wittle cheeks! >:3"

She get increasingly very flatteringly flustered... She just want to scream in her mind right now...

White lily turns back to you and said..

White lily ::"... I-in sorry.. "

Y/n ::"it's okay! Sadness or sorrows are just emotions. They don't really matter to who you are..! What matters more is you...! "

White lily ::".... "

She was silent as she started calling down...

White lily ::"I have something to confess. "

Y/n ::"hm?.. "

White lily ::"I liked you..!

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