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LET'S GO... MOVE NOW, crew member shouts while he fire his gun, everyone ran towards the ship, THERE COMING, another crew member shouted, two of the crew members fire their guns while two pilots jumped in their seats. Let's get the fuck out of here, the other crew member says, two of them started off the ship, the blue flames came out from the back side of the ship, HOLD ON, another crw member shouted, everyone strapped into their seats, TAKE OFF. the ship flown into an blue orb of mist, everyone on the planet started to shout and yell while some fired their guns.

OH SHIT... WE MADE IT... WE REALLY FUCKING MADE IT LAD, an member grabs a hold onto an female cheek, fuck yes... thought we were gonna die back there, another male unstraps his belt from the seat, everyone taken off their hats and sets it down on their seats. Two females hugged each other, put the ship on auto pilot and join us, another male says. The male puts up the switch while he takes off his hat. Fucking hell mate... we fucking made it out alive once again... and that is why we are TEN AND ZERO TO THOSE FUCKERS OUT THERE LADS, male shouts out loud. You ok? A male asked, yeah... I'm alright... just bruised up but I'll be fine... you know me, she tells him, that's my girl... strong as always, he smiles, excuse me miss... let's take a look at that arm please? A male asked her while he places on gloves, yeah, she says as she sits down on a chair.

An female takes off her vest while she sets it down on her seat, an yutani logo was seen across her shirt, Misty... you good? A male walked up, yeah I'm alright... just glad that we're all safe, Misty says, so... what is with you and the captain? The male asked while he smiles, what? Misty asked, what is going on with you and the captain himself? He asked again with a smirk, oh... there is nothing going on between both of us... we're just friends and it's going to stay that way, Misty tells him while she walks off.

Everyone cheers echoing throughout an hallway, an door opens up, no lights on, footsteps walked across the floor, something is heard being moved around, magnificent with joy, a voice says.

The ship moves across the space while the flames is being blown outwards. With every member puts away their gear into their lockers, the pods opens up mist that moves out, cryosleep time... my favorite time, a male says as he fist pump his team member, hey... you ok? A female asked, yeah... I'm ok... just... it's just... you know what it's nothing... everything is alright... promise you, she smiles at her friend, alright... I'll see you when we arrive back at her, her friend says as both of them hugged each other.

Everyone gets into cryosleep, a male stood at the door with his hands behind his back, he reaches over and presses in the code, the pod doors started to close, Misty looks over and gives out a smile, she closes her eyes and let's out an deep breath.

Don't worry... the bugs don't bite. A voice says.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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