Countdown [16]

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Thankyou for 1.58k reads,  I am very thankful, my masters exam are just a month away so update is going to slow.

But please do vote ,show your love and support.

20 votes is all im asking for this chapter and leave your comment. I appreciate each reader thankful to all of you..

Now back to the story......

"How dare you bitch , You can't snatch my years hardwork..... He shouted.

"Which work are you taking Mr. Kule or Ex Governor  I say ...." Prerna fired back.

" You cheated,  when did  I sign those papers stating my retirement due to illness. " He grabbed his head ,pacing around .

" But I learned from best Mr. Kule ." She asked.

"What are  you taking about,  go outside and announce that it was a mistake. " He said ponting toward door .

Prerna moved towards Akash kule who was sweating when she come face to face old wrinkled man . Who looked like he aged 10 years after hearing his retirement news . She said ..

" It's not good to sell  your diginity to cheap people ."

"Wh-at a-re y-ou ta-k-ing a-bo-ut....."

"Oh ! I think you forget to me infrom about your meeting with Jai Rajvansh "

"I don't kn-ow wh-at are you sa-ying. " 

"Really let's talk about you how you become a governor from a mere cheap lawyer , A molester,  rapist,  murderer never getting  any  punishment. "

"Y-ou , ho-w , w-hy? .......

"Yes! Me , how , why we will discuss now .................

"18 years ago Piya Mehra a hardworking women was harassed by her boss .
13 years ago Kawal Kumar killed in accident after meeting his lawyer Khushi Rajput regarding his daughter's abuse and fails to inform about name of the rapist because he saw you behind his lawyer as senior lawyer. He changed his mind because he thought justice wil not served to ordinary man."

"You are bluffing,  what proof you do have against me , it was years ago ."

"Here you are wrong Mr. Kule ,The media standing is not which powerful people can buy .Media is the reason people believe that truth will come out even if people like you hide behind power and position. "

"Look ! You .... I will give you anything you want ,  just leave past in past !okay ." He pleaded.

"Anything,  alright, you will go outside and annouce that due to illness you don't want to create unfair elections so you are leaving our team of members to elect the next governor and annouce in press conference late evening as the discussion was all going.  You retirement is not sudden decision. "

Akash kule nodded his head feeling his defeat .

Prerna instructed Arjun to take kule outside to face media.

Hearding the door closing Prerna walked towards Ayesha who was standing their .

'Ayesha ' hearing a voice Ayesha jerked . Meeting Prerna's eyes Ayesha- lip wobbled, her chest raised and felled quickly . She hugged Prerna.

"Baba.. dii , he died just beacuse he wants to punish my culprit. " Ayesha sobbed.

TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

He was killed ....



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