Chapter 9

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we hear a throat clearing sound making us look at the direction and there bhaiya standing looking both of us . I immediately withdraw my hand from abhiraj and standup from the couch .

"I am done with my breakfast Iam going bhaiya" I said and immediately left from there .

I come out from the building and sigh in relief. Oh god

I take texi and left for my Cafe. 

Time skip
"Saira what are you thinking?" Megha asked sitting beside my chair as we two are sitting at our counter .

"Nothing" I said shecking my head which she give me don't lie to me look .

I sigh and told her everything abhiraj told me at trial room and also today's incident.

"So what do you think now?" She asked.

'You know I don't know what I think . When he told me that he have some reason that's why he rejected me I see truth on his eyes . Truth be told megha I start trusting him again . I don't know trusting him was good Idea or bad but my heart start trusting him again inspite being broken by him my heart still wants to trust him" I said with teary eyes .

"So you also start loving him again?" She asked looking at me .

"I never stop loving him" I said with sad chuckle.

"I also think Saira there maybe sone reason that's why abhiraj bhaiya rejected you otherwise a blind can also see how much he is in love with you" she said with a teasing smile making me blush .

"No I don't think he loves me . He still confessed to me" I said looking down with a pout .

"Why are you talking like Dumbo? Isn't it obvious in his talks in his behavior and most importantly in his eyes" Megha said understanding me which I nooded shyly.

"So again our Abhira's (Abhiraj + Saira) story began" Megha said excitedly making me smile.

"Megha I trust him but still I didn't forgive him . Its not like I will never forgive him but still I need some time to forgive him . I want to give him hard time convincing me so next time he didn't do anything like that" I said to her which she nooded giving me thumbs-up.

After wrapping our work we three left for our home.

Reaching my home I see three cars standing outside of our house which is not belongs to us .

Maybe some guest come I thought in my mind and entered inside the house .

I come to living room and saw all Singhania family is here talking and laughing with my family.

I searched for that one of person and found him talking with bhaiya.

"Look Saira di come" Khushi said gaining everyone's attention.

I walked towards them and touched elder Singhania's feet which they blessed me wholeheartedly.

"Saira come down after freshing up" mumma said which I nooded and went upstairs to my room ignoring someone's piercing stare .

I come to my room and found a very beautiful pink Anarkali is laying on my bed . I think mumma choose it for me .

I hurriedly freshen up and wear my clothes with minimal makeup. I wear my earrings, bangles, rings and anklets . I wear small pendant which is gift from my favorite cousin .

I miss herrrrr ....

After getting ready I went downstrais and find them talking and feeling my presence they Immediately stop their talking.

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