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-Y/N's Pov-

I thought back to the memory of when Meliodas asked me to join him, I softly smiled.

'I wonder how him and the others are.' I thought to myself.

I don't remember much of what happened that day 10 years ago, all I know is that we were going to see Grand Master Zaratras and next thing I now I woke up in a forest with no recollection of what happened, but I know that The Eight Deadly Sins are wanted criminals.

I was in the forest training when I heard fighting, I stopped training and walked towards the commotion and when I got there I saw 4 familiar people and 4 people I didn't know in front of pieces of something

'It can't be...' I thought to myself as my eyes widened slightly, I'm sure they sensed me because they turned around and looked in my direction, luckily I hid behind a tree as soon as they started to turn around.

"You sensed it too, right cap'n?" I heard the fox sin ask

"Yeah, no doubt about it, it's her." The dragon sin said.

"It's Y/N" The grizzly sin said.

My hearty started pounding when I heard footsteps coming towards me from behind. I went to take off running when I was picked up.

"Ah, don't even think about it" Ban said, I groaned and looked at him and saw him smirking.

'That stupid smirk.' I thought to myself as I glared at him

"Heyyyy n/n~" He said smirking with his eyes closed.

"You can put me down now Ban" I said looking at him.

"Nah, I'm good, we don't need you trying to runaway again" He said while throwing me over his shoulder.

"Hey captain, what are we gonna do about that?" King asked Meliodas while pointing at the 4 unknown people and the something that was scattered into pieces.

"Oh yeah, them, they can take care of this mess, let's go guys we found more of the sins and now we only need two more." Meliodas said smiling while walking away

"Sooo n/n, what have you been up to these past 10 years?" Ban asked me while adjusting me on his shoulder

"Oh you know, escaping prison, trying not to go back to prison, training, the usual" I told him with a bored expression.

I hear footsteps run from in front of us and suddenly we stop.

"Why'd we stop?" I asked while sitting up and looking behind me and my eyes widened.

"Eliza-" I was cut off by Meliodas and I glared at the short man

"Thanks to you my mind is clear" He started "Let's go, we got a battle to fight." He said with a determined look

"Right!" Elizabeth said smiling.


We've been at the Boar Hat for a few hours now but I've kept my distance from everyone.

"Come on Y/N~ get your butt over here~" A drunk Ban said while putting a arm around my shoulder, i slightly smiled.

"Ban, get your arm off me." I said while grabbing his wrist.

"But you've been ignoring everyone since we got here~" He said pouting

I sighed knowing he's gonna keep pestering me, so I walked towards the group and started talking to King.

"So Y/N, I heard you were in Baste for 5 years" King said while floating on his Chastifol

"Oh yeah, I was stupid one day and got caught by a holy knight, escaped, and then a week later I found out Ban was caught." I said while staring at Ban who was on Hawks back very drunk.

The princess then walked towards us and smiled.

"Hello, I'm princess Elizabeth, the 4th princess of Liones" She said while smiling

"I know" I said while smiling back, she looked at me confused.

"I'm Y/N, the phoenix sin, the sin of death, also the 1st princess of Liones" I said while smiling.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me in shock, all except for Meliodas

"Huh!?" Everyone said in unison, besides the dragon sin.

I looked at them confused.

"How did y'all not know I was the 1st princess?" I asked them looking at them confused.

𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒟ℯ𝒶𝓉𝒽 |||| A Ban fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now