Chapter 10

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When me and abhiraj meet for the first time

I finally give my 12th board exam so now I am enjoying my holiday.

I was making cupcakes when Sujddenly Someone smack my head for behind and I know who it is my devil brother .

"Why did you hit me bhiya?" I asked glaring at him .

"Just feeling like to hit you" Bhaiya said shuggering his shoulder sitting in the kitchen counter .

"And yeah you are makeing something na so make some more my bestfriend is also coming" Bhaiya said .

"Your best friend?" I asked confused because I didn't know he had a bestfriend.

"Yes my bestfriend Abhiraj Singhania . My buddy" he said with a big smile which also make me smile .

"Seems like you two are very close?" I asked making some more cupcakes.

"Yeah I meet him in 11th standard and from then we become best buddies. You know he is tottaly opposite of me . Where I talk unnecessarily but he talk when its necessary. He is very cold and emotionless" he said making me curious his bestfriend .

"Sacchi?" I asked which he nooded.

"Ok now I am going he must be coming anytime" he said and left from the kitchen.

I completed making cupcakes when mumma come to kitchen.

"You are done beta?" Mumma asked .

"Yes mumma I am going now I am going for shower" I said which she nooded.

I was going towards my room when door bell rang making me stop in my track .

"Saira open the door" Mumma shout from the kitchen.

I walked towards the door and open it and guys as soon as I open it I see the most handsome boy of the world. Oh his black pitch eyes , his straight nose , sharp jawline and those pinkish lips which are looking so eatable. He is also starting at me making me feel butterflies in my stomach .

We both are starting at each other when we hear mumma's voice making us come out from our starting session.

"Areee abhiraj beta" mumma said coming towards us .

"Why are you standing there come inside.  Saira didn't you call him inside?" Mumma said first line smiling at him and next line glaring at me .

"I-i wo" I sutter not knowing what to say and his intense stare was helping at all .

"I am going to my room" I said without hearing I run upstairs to my room .

"Sorry beta she is just little shy" I heard mumma saying behind .

I come to my room and locked the door and placed my hand on my heart .

"Dear heart why ate beating so fast?" I said to my heart which he didn't reply but keep beating fastly .

"Omg what is happening to me?" I said and come infront of the mirror.

There I saw my huliya which is not less then a joker . I was wearing a white loose t-shirt which is till reach till my mid thigh and and a black loose pants . My hairs are in messy bun and sone strings of my hair falling on my cheeks . And most embarrassing thing is the flour and whipped cream was in my nose , forhead, cheek. Totally I am looking like a clown .

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