chapter two

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Time - 5:45pm


When I enter mingyu's office I saw a man laying on the sofa.
I sat on opposite sofa.
He looked innocent.
I was wondering about it until someone call my name I turned around and saw Mingyu with DK and Jun.

Mingyu - hoshi hyung, when did you arrived?

Hoshi - I just arrived few minutes ago. Anyways who is he. ( i said while pointing at the man who is laying on the opposite sofa)
(Jun and dk also noticed him)

Mingyu - ahh he, he just an employee.

Hoshi - but I never seen you bringing an 'employee' to your office.
( i said with a smirk on my face 😏)

Mingyu- no-

Jun - Mingyu-ah, you got a boyfriend and didn't even tell us. (Said in teasing tone)

Dk - hyung, you didn't tell us. I am hurt.
(Said teasingly)

Mingyu- but-

No one's POV

???- mingyu hyung you got a boyfriend? ( someone from behind ask in shock)

Dk - see dino now hyung don't even tell us about his boyfriend.

Said while wiping his fake tears)

Mingyu - hear me guys-

(Someone enter and ask)

???- what's happening?

Jun - see hansol mingyu got a boyfriend and he didn't even tell us.
(He said dramatically)

Vernon - (gasp) really hyung.

Mingyu - ENOUGH LET ME SPEAK, tzuyu and his brother were bullying him and when I ask him are you fine and he just fainted. There's nothing between us.

??? - isn't he is the guy you were talking about while saying that you like him. (Said while teasing)

Mingyu - coups hyung, you are also teasing, I believed you.

S.coups - (he ignored him) so when you are going to confess. ( said with a smirk on his face still teasing him)

Mingyu- I give up. ( he said as he was done with them) yes I like him.

They all started to laugh except for mingyu.
Then they all settle down on their seats and start talking about some work.

Suddenly they heard a knock on the door.

Mingyu - come in. ( coldly)

His secretary came in.
He bowed to them and speak.

Mr.kang - mr. Kim someone is asking for mr. Jeon Wonwoo.

Mingyu - Send them here.

Mr. Kang - ok sir ( and left the office after bowing )


Bottoms POV

It was already 5:45pm and everyone was ready to go.
It take 10 to 15 minutes to reach Wonwoo's work place so we settle in car ready to leave.
But cause of traffic It took us 20 minutes to reach there.

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