Prologue: An interesting find

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Kushida Kikyo's POV:

The homeroom just ended. The whole auditorium was filled with compassion and sorrow. The reason for that, Sudo-kun, just stared blankly at the floor, as if piercing it with daggers, yet, with the toy ones.

He failed the midterm exam, and he was the only one at that, fortunately. But can we call it fortunate? I guess, hehe. He was an annoying classmate that not much people dared to talk with. I wonder, do these people really feel sorrow because of that? Or are they just pretending to "already miss him?" The answer would be no. They aren't. And that's what irritates me the most.

Seriously, you guys are as basic as a book. Someone died? You feel sad. Something bad happened to someone? You feel sad once again. Only I remain as a person who doesn't feel any of these. And yet, I have to twist my act to blend in. I cannot imagine myself crying because of someone like Sudo. Genuinely, that is.

Of course, that doesn't mean that I'm gonna cry, not at this time. I have to make an impression of an emphathic, kind and hopeful girl that everyone likes, not the one who cries easily. Even if more than a month ago I was doing the same. Even if everyone already believed that. Even if I don't believe in my true self anymore. As long as I'm praised, that's all that matters.

This obsession led me to confine myself behind a mask, thinking. I can't be the most athletic person in school, academically I'm above average at most and my personality doesn't correlate with "sanity". So, how would I get praised? By being someone I am not. The Kushida they know doesn't exist. Maybe that's what some books are about... To lie to satisfy your needs and concealing the horrible truth from other people or to tell the truth and be alone for the rest of the school-life? Of course, the "for other people's sake" part was just a lie. Guess I'm a bit engulfed in that act of mine, hehe.

Timeskip. 17:05(5:05 p.m.).

Horikita somehow cancelled the expulsion of Sudo. I was surprised that I was invited to a celebration of that - I didn't even do anything. Well, I guess I'll go, it's in the evening anyways.

Currently, I'm in Keyaki Mall, alone. Yeah, I was surprised as well. My usual friend group just dissipated, while I remained under the excuse of "walk". I am actually a picky person when it comes to friendship. I'd call myself an introvert, even. Or... What was the term again..? Omnivert?

(A.N.: I know she's ESFJ, but I don't think it is wise to say she's an outward extrovert, even if most people said so. For me, she's INFJ, without the altruistic part, and I had found some posts about it, ig.)

But that doesn't matter. My goal is to befriend everyone in that school. 


That was a hell of a tired sigh. Venting in my head isn't as effective as when I actually shout. I should let out some steam later today.

With that settled, I began going across the mall, trying to find something I needed or to note some discounts to recommend to my "friends". Being a doll is so tiring...

While sitting on a bench, I spotted something in the pot, alongside the flower.

"What is that?"

It was a DVD. I picked it up and flipped over to see the name. It was entitled "0". 

'Wow, so original. Anyway, I don't have time for this right now'. 

So I stuffed it in my bag and went to the dormitories. But before that...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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