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It was October 1st and it had got cold. The six of us were huddled around our dim lit fire:Rebekah had been silent for the past 16 hours. Laura had gotten pretty sick in the past few days from the lack of nutrition and sleep, David sat next to her,  crying softly at the thought of his love being sick. I was next to Daniel, shivering. He pulled me close to him so I could feel his heat. I felt it immediately warm me through. For a second it felt like how we were.

All of a sudden, Daniel shot up. I moved with him, as I lay with him.

"What is it?" I whispered.

"Someone's coming" he picked up the thick tree branch we found to use as protection and he moved closer towards the entrance. I put my head in my hands, I couldn't watch. I was scared if Daniel got hurt.

I could hear silence for a few moments. A sigh of relief. The rest of our cave move. Several screams.

"James!" Rebekah's voice shrilled.

I looked up and broke into tears. James' face was covered completely in blood, his face had a deep incision from his temple to lower jaw. His clothes were torn, he walked with a limp, the gun armed in his hand and his arm was..

"James, you were bit" Daniel backed away. Rebekah fell to her knees. Laura and David stood up, protecting each other from the monster they thought stood before them. Alice and I stayed as far away as possible from him.

"Rebekah", I forced myself to say, "step.. step away from him". She turned to me, her eyes screamed for help.

"James, you're alive" Rebekah moved closer, Daniel grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

James' tears were bloody and he moved into the cave more. When we moved back, Rebekah moved closer.

"Rebekah, I'm so so sorry" James ran into her arms and hugged her tight. It took a few seconds before she hugged him back.

All I could think is Rebekah can get infected if she stays beside him. 

"Rebekah, please" I began.

"Caroline stop! He's still our James" she stared at him, tears streaming down her face, "you're still my James".

He turned his face away from her and held the gun out to her

"No James,  no"  her cries filled the room. We all know what he wanted.

"I'm going to hurt you. I can't do that" he still kept his head turned from her.

She turned his face to her so he could see her. They just looked at each other. Stared into each others eyes. Rebekah sighed and nodded.
Still looking into James' eyes she said "okay". She took the gun from his hands and stepped back, still looking into his eyes.

"Guys, go". We all looked at each other.

"Guys" she yelled "leave us"

We all stood up to leave. Daniel walked over to James.

"James, I'm sorry" he said, he hugged him. I saw Daniel do something I've never seen him do: he cried, "I'm so so sorry".

He released James from his grip and nodded towards me. I walked over next. I felt sick. I knew I should have helped James and went with him to get food. I couldn't think of what to say to someone I'd never see again.  I did the same as Daniel: apologised, hugged him tight,  kissed his cheek and ran out, crying hysterically. After a few minutes, everyone followed, in tears.

No one knows what was said between Rebekah and James. After this, Rebekah wouldn't speak.  She couldn't speak. This destroyed my friend. All we could hear from outside the cave was whispers of a goodbye between to destined lovers.

It all changed a few moments later. Silence. Then the silence broken by the gun. Rebekah wailing. Then David cursing the god who didn't help. This began our change as the six.

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