°The Begining Of A Journey°

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-+-+-+-+-+:°Solar POV°:+-+-+-+-+-

-Listen to me while I can still speak. I'm proud of you, both of you. Really, for everything, for being my family for as long as you have and I'm sorry. Maybe we... Should have killed him or something.- I said leaning against the wall. -This is not the end of you Solar.- Said Moon with worry in his voice it was rare to hear him being worried. -I really don't want to go...- I admitted. -You don't have to.- Moon exclaimed with tears now falling down his faceplate. I saw a bright light and gave in, it was comforting, almost like... All my problems went away. Just disappeared without any trace whatsoever...

As I slowly regained consciousness, I opened my eyes to find myself lying on the ground. Standing over me was another animatronic whose identity was difficult to discern due to my blurry vision. The animatronic was painted in a dull orange color that emitted a faint light. I tried to speak, but my voice was weak and barely audible. The animatronic poked my arm and spoke, -Uh hello...? Oh, you're finally awake.- I struggled to focus and asked, -Huh... What... Happened?- The animatronic crouched down beside me and helped me sit up. It then proceeded to examine the cables and switches at the back of my head, causing me to panic. -What are you doing?!- I asked, my mind racing as I tried to come up with a plan of action. However, my body remained unresponsive. Suddenly, I heard a click, and my vision cleared up. As my sight returned, I looked around and realized that I was in a beautiful location. The place was serene, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe.

As I casted my eyes forward, I was immediately captivated by the sheer grandeur of the majestic castle looming ahead. Its lofty walls, crafted from gleaming white stone, towered above me and stood as a testament to the timeless beauty of architecture. The castle's towers, which reached high into the sky, were draped in verdant vines that added a touch of natural elegance to the structure. Despite its futuristic appearance, the palace exuded an air of regal magnificence that left me utterly spellbound.

Finally, as my body responded I turned my head, I caught a glimpse of the animatronic, which had long been decomposed. and I couldn't believe my eyes. It spoke to me in a soft, yet discernible tone, asking, -Better?-.  -Wait... SOLARFLARE?! I thought you died!- I yelled in confusion, hoping to get some answers. The bot just sighed and said, -Yes, I am indeed dead, as are you.- I was taken aback by his words. Dead? What did he mean? Wasn't I just going to the parts and service? I was lost in my thoughts, but the bot reassured me, -You probably don't remember much, but that will change as time goes by.-

My voice was laced with confusion and worry as I asked, -What? What do you mean?- SolarFlare hesitated for a moment, as if unsure whether to proceed, before explaining. -You had passed away approximately an hour and fifty-one minutes ago, and now you have regained consciousness.- I was stunned, struggling to process what had happened.


🌟Hello there fellow reader! I hope that you will enjoy this book as much as I enjoy watching TSaMs!🌟

‼️(Check the description of the book for more info) ‼️

💫543 Words💫


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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