Ch. 1 Welcome to Grindstone

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Koseki Bijou a hardcore gamer, was in the middle of one of her favorite video games boss battle's.

"Giya! And That's How It Is Done! Haha! And you guys said that it would be impossible for me to beat the 167th boss in the Elder's Swamp on Excellence mode!" Bijou said as she wipes a drop of sweat running down her face.

Oh Gindmaster Bijou! Does your powers know no bounds!?

Lmao! Yeah after 3 days of trying!

Omg! I never thought it was possible!



Bijou couldn't help but feel proud of herself after a 12 hour stream of playing Grindstone. A fantasy arpg sandbox game, after her first couple of defeats she grinded up powerful materials and crafted legendary items and weapons in order to defeat a unbeatable boss.

"Well Chat, looks like that's the end of our stream for today. Koseki Bijou signing off!" Bijou waves goodbye to her chat as she was able to log off after having such a long stream.

Bijou leans back into her chair as the world gave her a quick reality check as her stomach let out a loud growl. Telling her that she hasn't eaten in a while.

"Wow! I guess I forgots to eat." Bijou took a quick glance at the time and it was already 1:34 am. Already too late at night for a proper meal.

"I guess I could run to the cobini for a quick snack, but then its off to bed missie!" Bijou said knowing that she wouldn't be able to fall asleep on an empty stomach.

Bijou put on her sandals and a light jacket as she left her apartment. On her way she pulls out her phone and scrolled on her social media, checking for anything new. At the story Bijou got her favorite ramen and some tea. Still looking at her phone, her fans sent her news that Grindstone was about to release an update on the game.

This news was ecstatic to Bijou. Her fans posted that the main story quest was getting a completely new reboot and the game was getting new races and classes. Bijou never played the main story because everyone commented on how easy and quick the main story was on completing it was. There thousands of more interesting side quests and bosses than compared to the game's actual main story.

Finished with her shopping Bijou started to make her way back home.

Back on her phone, Bijou posted asking her fans on how she should go about playing the new update. Should I start a completely new game fresh from the start? Of continue with my regular saved file?

Chat replies:

You should do a new game and play the main story! I hard that they are making it 100% harder than what it was!

Im fine with both ways! Ether way I'll be sure to watch you play Biboo!


Im curious what that new main story will be like?


Bijou couldn't help but to agree with her fans and wanting to do a new game. Starting from scratch and grinding your way back to the top. Now that's what being a grindmaster was all about, the struggles of finding new ways of challenging your way to the top.

Accepting everyone's thoughts of a new game, Bijou posted on her schedule on the day of the update to play a new game on Grindstone. Everyone was ecstatic to hear that their favorite streamer was starting fresh with the update. Bijou couldn't help but smile and laugh at her cute fans, when she got a message on her phone from Momseki.

Momseki: "Hi darling, i noticed that you are doing a new stream in a couple of days. You're not pushing yourself too hard are you? You just finished a long stream. You're eating properly right?"

Bijou smiled happy to see that her mom was keep an eye on her work and worries about her. But this type of schedule wasn't anything new to Bijou.

Bijou: "Yeah mom, I'll be fine. I just got me something too eat and will be going to bed after. I'll be having today off for the rest of today, so I'll be well rested for the new stream."

Momeki: "Good. Cause you know I cant help but worry about you when you do these long hour streams."

Bijou: "I know mom, I'll keep myself in check with my health."

Bijou couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed by her mothers caring and worried nature.

Bijou: "I love you mom, see you-"

Just as Bijou was typing out her last massage the ground under her feet started to shake and the pavement gave out turning into a large sink whole. Causing Bijou to fall into the pit below her.

Bijou: "Huh?"

Massage sent:

Bijou: "I love you mom, I'll see you soon."

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