lips of yours

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Can't sleep so this is not gonna be good at all.


Those lips of him. They feel like heaven.
,,fuck yes FUCK RIO!" Beth partaceily screaming his name. She gave her whole self into him and is not regtretting it a tiny bit. His thrusts are hard and deep.

,,you like being thsg little bitch for me?" He whispers into her ear, moving her hair asaid. Then kissing his way to her neck softly. How can't this man be so hard and soft at the same time? ,,out of all the other bitches that I had you are by far the best one" she can feel the smirk behind her and it made her furious.

,,don't talk about other whores thst you fucked while fucking me" she growled. Her tits bouncing wildly around. He watches them bounce in the mirror and it's such a turn on for him. He laughs. Thrusting wildly inside of her.

,,hmmm this pussy clenching around me is heaven" he softly Slaps her clit. She flinched breathing heavy.

She is watching herself getting fucked from the only man who ever fucked her right. Who found the right spots inside of her. Her flushed red face her gaped mouth. Everything. Him pulling her hair. Choking her. So fucking hot. She loved watching herself getting fucked. It makes her feel so...... powerful but at the same time so..... powrless. She can't describe the feeling but it's everything.

,,oh you love watching yourself getting fucked?" It's like he could read her mind. She couldn't even speak so she just nods. A buring sensation is making it's way to her cheek as her Slaps her right through her face. ,,FUCK!"  ,,words elizabeth"

,,yes. Fuck!" Wasn't the first time he slapped her during sex but she absolutely likes it and he knows it. ,,im gonna cum r-ri- OH" and with that hot liquid comes out and is flewing all over the floor her thighs and his lower stomach. Damn she just squirted.

,,shit. Elizabeth. That shit is so fuckin hot." he laughs pulling out getting dressed and making his way out if the Club bathroom. And there she is. Lost. Fuck he did it again.

Beth is standing there. Well bending over the sinks her dress pulled up to her hips. She still hadn't fully recoverd the intense feeling of her orgams and he was already nowhere in sight.

Fuck her life. But dann did she loved that asshole of a man. But those lips were everything.


Thanks for reading! Even if you skipped a bit or if this wasnt for you I still hope you enjoyed it!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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