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MALFOY TOOK TO HIS FEET FROM BESIDE PANSY. His fists tightened as he took in what that witch had done. He stood up, looking for a particular person. How dare she attack Pansy like that in front of everyone?

She's a menace that needs to be stopped.

He aimed straight towards Magnolia. "Do not get involved, you hear me?" Once the girl nodded, he stormed towards the girls dormitories. 

"Draco!" Many people called his name, but he didn't stop in his war path.

He needed to teach that witch a lesson. He counted the doors until he reached the one he knew Pansy lived in; the one that Marshall also shared.

He shoved open the door with his shoulder.

Hope's hands were wrapped tightly around her father's throat. She was pure rage, her eyes shining a bright blue as she seeked to kill the hybrid.

Yet, to the teenager who had just barged in, the image was completely different. He stumbled at what he was seeing – or what he wasn't seeing. The stupid witch had her hands wrapped around air. She was holding onto nothing.

"What the fuck are you doing Marshall?" Malfoy snapped, his anger simmering.

Hope's face slowly turned to face Malfoy, her hands not loosening their grip and her eyes still shining. "Get out." She snarled.

"What is wrong with you?" Malfoy stepped closer until he was centimetres from the witch.

"Kill him." Klaus whispered to the witch. He had stepped out of her grip and stood behind her, tempting her. "He's seen too much; he'll find out if you're not careful."

Hope gritted her teeth as she stared at Malfoy. "I don't answer to you, Malfoy." She ignored the thing behind her whispering in her ear.

"Yes, you do, when you attack another student." If looks could kill, Malfoy had it.

But Hope wouldn't back down.

"There are too many ways little wolf. You could slit his throat, rip out his heart – personal favourite of mine – decapitation, or even the killing curse."

"Shut up." She burst out, her head snapping to face Klaus.

"Watch it, Marshall." Malfoy sneered. His hand twitching towards his wand hidden away in his pocket. How dare she speak to him like that?

Klaus circled his daughter. "He will hunt you down, if he finds out. If anyone finds out what you are, you are dead. Mikaelson's do not back down. Kill him before he kills you."

"No." Hope's hands clenched and unclenched.

"Kill him now, Hope."

"SHUT UP." She screamed the words as she spun to face Klaus, but he was gone. The space that he had vacated was empty.

"What the fuck is up with you, Marshall?" Malfoy asked, grabbing hold of his wand and pulling it out of his pocket.

When Hope turned back around, her eyes were still bright blue, her chest was heaving, and the black veins had appeared on her skin.

Malfoy's eyes widened and he took a step back, his wand arm slowly raising up.

Hope's head titled as she studied the wand. "You think you can beat me, Malfoy?" Her voice had changed. Hope was no longer present.

"Marshall..." Malfoy's mind was going in circles. Something was definitely wrong with Marshall, but he didn't know what. And this wasn't the first time that he had seen the black veins appear on her arms. The eyes turning blue was a first though.

"Come on, little wolf. Kill the wizard."

"I'm not going to kill him!" Something switched as Hope was present again, yet she was still battling that presence.

"Kill—" Malfoy spluttered as his heart dropped.

"Petrify me, Malfoy." Hope stepped into his wand until it rested on her heart.

"I'm not gonna petrify you, whatever this is."

"You need to do it. If you don't, this thing—" She waved down to her body and the veins. "Is going to take control and make me kill you. I do not want to do that, so please, do it."

A loud banging on the door pulled both of their attention away. "Malfoy! We gotta take Pansy to the Hospital Wing." Theo Nott called.

Hope grabbed onto Malfoy's wrist, pulling his attention back to herself. "Do it now, Malfoy."

Malfoy watched her eyes flicker between her usual blue to the striking bright blue. Something was seriously wrong if she was begging. "This isn't over, Marshall."

Hope's lip curled in disgust. The hollow had its grip on her tight.

"Petrificus Totalus."

He watched as her body froze over and fell back, hitting the floor. Malfoy couldn't even comprehend what was happening to her. Any thought that came to his mind, he shook it away believing it wasn't true.

The door opened and Theo strode in but paused at the sight of the witch on the ground. "Do I want to know?"

"No, you do not."

With that said, the boys left the dormitory and helped take Pansy to the Hospital Wing.

⋄ ⧫ ⟡ ⧫ ⋄

Hope had slept in the Room of Requirement for the night. As soon as Malfoy's spell had worn off, she had cast herself invisible and crept out of the common room. She had lost it. The Hollow had lashed out at Pansy, and she couldn't reign it back in.

She did not know what to expect when she walked into the Great Hall for breakfast, but this certainly wasn't it. As she had taken her seat beside Magnolia, the Slytherin's around them scrambled out of their seats and moved as far away as possible.

"How long do you think before I'm expelled?" She asked as pulled pancakes onto her plate.

"Hard to say, really. You gonna tell me what that was last night?" Magnolia responded. She had not touched her food since Hope had walked in. She had been waiting for her friend's appearance.

"It was nothing."

"That wasn't anything, Hope. I've never seen you react like that. What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it, alright?" Hope snapped and stood up from the table.

All eyes fell upon her as she stormed out of the Great Hall.

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