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"How did y'all not know I was the 1st princess?" I asked looking at them confused.


"You just don't seem like the type to be a princess" Hawk said

"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask while glaring at him.

"That's not the only thing you're hiding Y/N" Gowther said while pointing his finger at me.

I looked at him confused, I was about to ask him what is was but Ban beat me to it.

"What else is she hiding~?" He asked Gowther while throwing his arm around his shoulder.

Everyone gathered around us also wondering what it could be.

"Well how the princess is in love with the captain, Y/N is in love with B-" I cut him off by slapping my hand over his mouth.

"Gowther, I'm gonna need you to shut up, only the captain and Merlin know, nobody else" I told him while glaring at him.

"Why can't the others know?" He asked me while taking my hand off his mouth.

"Because that is really private information." I told him sternly

"But shouldn't he know since you've been in love with him ever since you met him?" The goat sin asked while tilting his head.

"No, he shouldn't, he has someone else and he loves her more than me..." I said looking down.

"Well guys, I think it's time to turn in for the night" Meliodas said trying to lighten the mood, I noticed he was groping Elizabeth.

"Is that some kind of greeting?" The goat sin of lust asked.

"For perverts!" Hawk yelled.

I laughed at everyone being chaotic before going to the room I share with Ban and king, from what Meliodas told me I would have to sleep on the floor.

I sighed and grabbed a pillow and blanket from the closet.

A few minutes passed before the door opened and I heard two people arguing, I let out an annoyed sigh.

"Can you two shut up" I told them sitting up from my pallet on the ground while glaring at the two sins.

"Oh, heyyy n/n~, what are you doing in here?" Ban asked while walking over to me.

"I have to share a room with you two idiots" I told him while laying back down.

"That's not nice" He whined

"Ban just leave her alone, can't you tell she's tired" King told the fox sin.

"Fineee" Ban groaned and got in the bed and immediately fell asleep.

I couldn't sleep, so I decided to sit outside on the porch.

I sighed.

"Couldn't sleep?" I heard a voice say behind me.

I turn around and see Meliodas.

"Hey Cap, yeah I was just thinking.." I say while looking up at the stary sky.

He sighed and sat beside me.

"Is it about what happened earlier with Gowther?" He asked me.

"No, I just hate that I fell for him knowing he was still hooked on his dead girlfriend" I said putting my head in my hands.

I felt arms wrap around me, I put my head on his shoulder and just started crying.

He rubbed my back in a soothing manner.

"Let it out, I'm here" He said in a soft voice.

"Why? Why did I have to fall for that stupid smirk of his?" I questioned no one in particular.

"I don't know y/n, I really don't know" he said while rubbing my back.

I started to fall asleep in Meliodas arms.

I let the darkness consume me and I fell asleep.

3rd POV

Meliodas sighed when he realized that Y/N fell asleep.

Little did the sleeping sin know that the sin she was just talking about was standing inside by the door and heard the conversation.

Meliodas walked inside carrying Y/N and saw Ban.

"You heard everything didn't you?" Meliodas asked him.

"Yeah..is that what Gowther was gonna say? She's in love with me?" He asked Meliodas while taking Y/N from Meliodas grasp.

"That's not my place to say. It's her say, she wants to tell you she'll tell you, if she doesn't want to tell you she won't, it's her decision" Meliodas stated looking up at the sin.

"I'm just gonna take her to bed" Ban said looking down at the girl who was sleeping, he noticed she had dried tear stains going down her cheeks, he frowned at the sight.

Ban took the girl upstairs and placed her on the bed and looked down at her.

He placed a light kiss on her forehead, a small smile formed on the girls face.

Ban laid down on the floor and just stared at the ceiling lost in thought.


I woke up and realized I was in mine, Ban's and King's room.

"Did Meliodas bring me up here?" I thought to myself.

I made my way down stairs and saw that everyone was already awake and working.

"Y/N! How'd you sleep?" Meliodas asked me when he saw me.

"Pretty good" I said while walking over to the bar.

"Well, since you're gonna be joining us you're gonna start working here, which means you're gonna have to wear the tavern uniform." He said while smirking.

I looked at him and then looked at what Elizabeth was wearing and then back at him and just sighed.

"Fine" I groaned and grabbed the uniform from the counter and walked upstairs to change.

After changing I came back downstairs and saw a few customers already here.

"Alright Y/N, I want you to help me take orders at the bar and get some informations from the ones I'm not taking orders from, got it?" Meliodas told me

"Yes captain" I said while fixing the bow on the outfit.

"Great!" He said in his cheerful tone.

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