~the voodoo doll~*ritzneer and velchid involved* hope u enjoy~<3

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Ritz and orchid were watching a movie and eating snacks, basically just hanging out. Then Ritz got a call from veneer. Veneer: heyy ritz just was wondering if u wanted to come and see us perform? It's free bc u are my friend and can you ask orchid as well?." ritz: orchid is next to me, she heard u and ya we'll come." veneer: great! Can't wait to see you guys there. Especially u ritzy~!." Veneer said in a flirtatious joking way then he hung up. Orchid: oooooh~ looks like someone cant wait to be fucked by someone named ritzy~." orchid said in a joking way then she started to laugh. Ritz: stfu y'know he's just joking that's just how we talk to each other." orchid: yaa right." orchid said doing a face. Ritz: stfu let's just get ready." orchid: ok ritzy~." orchid said in a joking, mocking way. Orchid: oh and make sure to dress and smell nice for vinnie~." orchid then giggled and ritz threw a pillow at her face.then they got into the car.*Ritz was driving and orchid was in the passenger seat*. They were driving to the place where velvet and veneer were performing at. Then they parked and headed to the doorway of the place. There were a LOT of ppl waiting to get inside but Ritz and orchid just passed them all. While they were passing all the people some ppl were jealous,making a shocked face,some of them were angry in silence and some were yelling at them to go at the end of the line like everyone else but Ritz and Orchid didn't give a damn and just ignored all of them. When they got to the doorway of the place the guards recognized them since they were the friends of velvet and veneer so they just let them in. while ritz and orchid were walking in some ppl were jealous,pissed and mad then orchid made a face to all of them before she completely went inside. It was empty and velvet and veneer hadn't gone on stage yet so Ritz and Orchid went backstage to see them before they started. When they got backstage they knocked on their room to see them and veneer opened the door. Veneer: hi guyss! Happy u guys could make it!!." Veneer said hugging them both. Ritz: yeah same here. Soo what are u guys doing.?" veneer: nothing, just getting ready velvets doing her makeup and i was going to try on an outfit in my dressing room." ritz: can we see the outfit?." orchid: ooooh can we see the outfit!?." both of them said kinda sounding in sync. Veneer: um it's pretty boring so i dont think u guys would like it." veneer said, sounding nervous. Orchid: bitch when was there a time u EVER wore a boring ass outfit? Bitch NEVER." ritz: ngl but she right." veneer: i just dont wanna show it to anyone rn so um the show will be starting soon so bye!!." Veneer said, pushing them both out more then slamming the door. Orchid: wtf was that." ritz: idk but he's not wrong the show is about to start and we better hurry before selfless bitches steal our front row seats." orchid: ur not wrong. k let's go bitch." orchid said, pulling ritz by the arm.*veneers pov* when veneer closed the door he sighed. Velvet: what? U nervous about the show?." velvet said while applying lipstick. Veneer: no not really just that they were gonna find out about the sexy outfit i was about to try on so like i kinda freaked out.." velvet: but like why tf do u like wearing revealing or inappropriate ass outfits before shows?." velvet said while putting down the lipstick then grabbed the mascara and started to apply it. Veneer: they just have good ass lighting before shows and I look sexy so that's why and it's kinda fun!." velvet: i feel like that's not the only reason *coughs* coughs* i bet u send them to ritz too*coughs* coughs*." velvet said under her fake coughing but loud enough for veneer to hear. Veneer: *gasp* I DO NOT!." velvet: ya sure u dont. ur honestly just a slut." veneer: hah look who's talking." veneer said in a sassy tone while putting his hands on his hips. Velvet: just shut the fuck up and hurry the hell up bc we start in a few mins." veneer: k bye!." veneer went to his dressing room, put on the revealing outfit, got his phone out and put it in front of him then he took a picture. After he did that he quickly changed into his performance clothes and hurriedly went out with his sister on the stage. After veneer and velvet finished singing everyone cheered and clapped as velvet and veneer were heading backstage but before veneer completely went backstage he quickly blew a little kiss to ritz then he was gone. Ritz noticed what veneer just did then he started to blush. Orchid: looks like it aint a joke anymore. ritzy~." orchid then started to giggle. Ritz: just stfu maybe he did it to both of us as a goodbye kiss y'know." orchid: nope it seemed totally directed towards you ritzy~." ritz: can u stfu about that its a fucking joke! That's just how we play!." orchid: ya suree like i'll believe that! But ya ima stop saying that shit it honestly feels weird as hell when i say it.". Ritz and orchid decided to go backstage and talk or hangout with velvet and veneer. When Ritz and Orchid got backstage they went into velvet and veneers room. When they got in they didn't see veneer they just saw velvet sitting on her bean bag chair just relaxing a bit from the show. Velvet: Hey guys." velvet said, sounding kinda tired and waving to them. orchid: haiiii girl!." then orchid hugged velvet. Ritz: hey um have u seen veneer?." velvet.: He's in his dressing room getting unready after the show. But he left his phone when he went into his dressing room yall wanna look into it?." orchid: fuck ya we do!." ritz: sure why not." velvet: k here ya go." orchid then grabbed veneer's phone and it was already unlocked since velvet unlocked it. Orchid then decided to look into his photos and when she went into the photo icon or his gallery she started to blush and kinda turn red.*Veneer's photos were about him in inappropriate outfits and some of them were about veneer and velvet in inappropriate outfits because she wanted to join in the fun and see what it was all about.* and orchid was blushing at the inappropriate outfits velvet wore in the photos orchid then got out her phone and took photos of the ones velvet were in. ritz: why tf are u like that. u good?." orchid: he-here you'll understand w-when u look." orchid said, stuttering and handing the phone to ritz. When Ritz grabbed the phone and looked at the photos veneer took of himself he started to blush and turn red, he even got hard but then he quickly sat down to hide it. Then he got his phone out and started to take photos of the photos only veneer were in. Ritz then gave velvet back veneers phone. Ritz: ty vels for that but we gotta leave now!." Ritz then grabbed orchid and ran before Veneer saw him like this. When they got into the car orchid then took out her phone and started to look at the pictures that velvet were in, on veneers phone and then she started to get red and a little horny~. Ritz then started to drive back home. When Ritz got to the house of orchid, orchid got out of his car and waved goodbye to him. Ritz did the same. When Ritz got home he got out of his car, went into his room and laid down for a bit. Ritz: maybe i should go for a walk to get my head off of what i saw before i crave to fuck him which i shouldn't bc it would be awkward as hell and hes my friend. he might not like me back.." ritz said in his mind. Ritz then went out and locked his door before he left. He then started to walk towards the park that was barely known. When he arrived at the park he went onto the swings and swung a little trying to get veneer out of his head. After he started to feel better he started to head back home and when he was about to get home he saw something light green in the bushes so he decided to go and check it out. When Ritz opened the bushes more he saw cute dolls of velvet and veneer then he picked them up and looked at the dolls for a minute. Ritz: What the hell? Why are there dolls of velvet and veneer out here?." Ritz then looked around to see if there were anyone around who maybe lost their dolls. He couldn't see anyone so he just shrugged and took the dolls with him back home. When he came back home he decided to drive to orchids house to see if she wanted the velvet doll since he didn't really want it so that's what he did. When he arrived at orchids house he knocked and orchid answered the door. Orchid: wtf do u want bitch?." ritz: geez tf wrong with u? Anyways, do you want this velvet doll? I just found her in some bushes." orchid: sure! Gimme that shit." orchid then snatched the velvet doll from Ritz's hand. Orchid: ty bitch now byee!." ritz: bye bitch!." Ritz said while walking towards his car and waving behind him. orchid then closed the door. Ritz then got in his car, drove back home,got in his house and sat down on his couch holding up the veneer doll in front of him thinking what to do with it then Ritz got an idea~. *ritz pov*Ritz then went into his room, closed the door and the curtains so ppl wouldn't see what he was doing. ritz: if i cant fuck the real veneer why not fuck this veneer~." ritz said while smirking at the doll, ritz then took off the pants of the veneer doll. He was going to cut a hole in it for his dick but turns out the veneer doll had a dick of his own and it had a butthole behind it as well. Ritz: well this is just perfect~." ritz took off his pants and his boxers then lowered the doll where his dick was and turned the doll around.then ritz started to put in his dick slowly into the veneer doll, it was a little tight so he just decided to go slow for now until it could loosen up a bit.*veneers pov* After the show was over and veneer went into his dressing room to get undressed and put on more comfy clothes he got out and asked velvet if orchid and ritz were still here. Veneer: hey vels is orchid or ritz still here?." velvet: nope u just missed them." veneer: aw fuck! I really wanted to see them :<." velvet: then u should've been faster slow ass." veneer: stfu u couldn't even run a lap when we were in middle school." velvet: honestly ur fucking lucky im tired right now or else i would've punched u rn." veneer: ikrr! Anyways, let's get in the car and go home. I'm exhausted!." velvet: ya lets go bc i can't stand to be here anymore." velvet and veneer got in their car and went home. After they arrived home they ate some food and then velvet went into her room to go to sleep for a little bit so did veneer. But when veneer got into his room and closed the door he felt something inside him thrusting at him pretty slow. since veneer felt that he started to moan lightly and he felt woozy. Veneer locked the door, took off his pants and boxers so he wouldn't cum on them then he went on the bed on his knees and the thrusting got faster,faster and faster~!.*ritz pov* Ritz felt it get untight and the butthole of the doll spreaded more and when Ritz felt that it spreaded more he decided to go faster at thrusting the doll. It felt soo good for ritz. Ritz: fuck ya~ now thats the fucking stuff~!." *both veneers and ritz pov* when veneer felt the thing inside him go faster at thrusting him veneer then started to moan more and his moaning got louder so veneer got his pillow and bit into it to muffle his moans so velvet couldn't hear him. Ritz then started to moan lightly each thrust he gave to the veneer doll. After a few more mins of ritz thrusting at the veneer doll they both cummed and after they cummed veneer let out one last moan then he laid down. Ritz: *huff* *huff* fuck!." Ritz then slowly removed the veneer doll from his dick then cum started to fall and there was cum on ritz's dick as well then he lifted the doll higher to look at it. Ritz: ngl ur such a good thing to fuck with~." ritz said smirking. Ritz then laid the doll down and lifted it up a little so his dick could go in the doll. Then Ritz started rubbing the veneer doll's dick while thrusting the veneer doll really fast.*he was faking that it was the real veneer by rubbing the veneer dolls dick to give it a "pleasant feeling" but little did ritz not know is that it is affecting the real veneer and it is pleasing him~*.when the "thing" veneer felt inside him stopped veneer thought it stopped for good. Veneer wasnt gonna lie but veneer missed the thing already since it felt so pleasant~ but when veneer was about to get up and get dressed he felt it again so he laid down again moaning and drooling since the "thing" was going so fucking fast~!. Veneer: augh~ augh~ augh~ f- fuck yes~!." veneer said excitedly while moaning a LOT. he tried his best to not moan very loudly but one slipped so he quickly covered his mouth to muffle his moans. each thrust the "thing"*really ritz's dick* was giving veneer,veneer moaned. After a little bit, veneer and kidritz cummed and it was a LOT. veneer cummed from both of his holes and ritz cummed in the doll from only his dick. Ritz: *huff* f-fuck." Ritz then laid down on his bed for a moment holding the veneer doll. Ritz: hmm i wonder if this thing can suck my dick?." Ritz said, holding up the veneer doll in front of him. Ritz: Well I guess I just gotta try it~."Ritz then sat up in his bed,opened the mouth of the veneer doll and slowly started to put his dick inside the veneer doll's mouth. Veneer just laid in his bed after the "thing" stopped again and when he cummed from both his holes he just laid there staring at the ceiling for a moment still kinda drooling, veneer then wiped the drool from his mouth and he was about to get up but then he felt something in his mouth that made him open his mouth he couldn't close it bc of the "thing" in his mouth. He then felt that it was soft from his tongue veneer then started to suck it. After Ritz put his dick inside the veneer doll's mouth he then started to feel something sucking it and it felt really good to him. Ritz then started to kinda drool. Ritz:ohh~ this feels sooo goood~!." After a few mins of veneer sucking ritz's dick ritz cummed. Ritz: ngl i wish that never ended :( it felt soo good.'' Ritz then slowly took his dick out of the veneer doll's mouth, laid the veneer doll on the bed,cleaned the cum on his dick then he started to put on his boxers and his pants. When he was fully clothed he also cleaned the cum off of the veneer doll then he put its clothes back on when the doll was fully cleaned.*veneers pov* after a few mins of veneer sucking ritz's dick*he didn't know that* veneer then started to taste cum then he saw cum run down his mouth so he got up and went to his bathroom to clean it off but then it randomly disappeared. He checked in the mirror to see if the cum was still there and it wasn't. Veneer: What the hell?!." Veneer then was confused for a minute but then he just shrugged it off since it wasn't the first weird shit that has happened to him. Veneer then went back to his room and he started to get dressed and after he was dressed he felt a bit tired from the concert still and from being fucked by a "thing" so he just flopped on his bed.got comfortable then he fell asleep.*ritz's pov* After Ritz got himself dressed and the veneer doll he then decided to sleep for a little since he was pretty tired so he got on his bed and cuddled the veneer doll then he fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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~the voodoo doll~*ritzneer and velchid involved* hope u enjoy~&lt;3Where stories live. Discover now