Chapter one: New Environment

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Ranboo POV:

Mentions of suicide.
Mentions of drug usage
Self harm
Mentions of abuse


Faint yelling, Red and blue lights, the sickening feeling of hands pulling me onto a stretcher before I slip in and out of consciousness.

I let out a final strained breath before finally everything goes black.

I hear beeping and strain to open my eyes, finally opening them. The bright light shining above me, the smell of expensive sanitiser around the room.

I try to move around, my head pounding and a groggy feeling washing over my body as I move.

"Ah! You're awake. Great." I heard a voice speak, it was a girl, calm and very cheery to see I woke up.

"I need to ask you a few questions about why a bunch of drugs were in your system and why- and why there is a bunch of cuts all over your arms, legs and stomach."

I groaned, murmuring something that couldn't go heard.

"I-I'm alive..?"

I thought to myself, raising his hands and scoffing after seeing them.

"I'm meant to be dead."

I groan, rubbing my forehead. I watch as the nurse simply just nodded, taking that as a sign for suicide attempt.

"You will be assigned to a suicide watch/ mental health hospital until you are better."

I quickly shook my head, covering my face with my boney hands.

"No, no, no! I cant, I cant. You cant unless I consent..!"

I denied and kept denying.

"Your parents already signed it, Ranboo."

"No, No, No, no, NO!"
I yelled, sitting up and covering my ears.
The nurse hit a button and two other doctors entered, injecting me with something. Last thing i heard was 'I'm sorry' and the wheels wheeling from the stretcher.

I wake up in the back of a ambulance, people beside me. I try to move my arms but they are restrained with cuffs, the same with my legs.

I let out yells, they put something in my mouth to silence me. I let loud muffled screams until the car comes to a halt.

They uncuffed my arms, making me sit up. Two new nurses, probably from the mental hospital uncuff my legs. They come up and grab my wrists.

I let out a yell as they grab onto mt cut wrists. They didn't seem to care and forced me out of the van.

I start weeping, trying to pull myself free, screaming at them to let go as we enter. I watch as I walk past rooms, feeling eyes on me only causes me to cower more.

I let out cries and yells, trying to pull myself free, only causing my cuts to re-open themselves from all my pulling.

I feel the blood seep out from them, letting out cries and yelps until I finally break free, collapsing to the ground in tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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