37 [FINAL]

311 17 2

I heard the purring before I even opened my eyes.

I groaned "Taehyung?"

I cracked open one eye and came face to face with the black cat sitting on my chest, her purring vibrating her small body. I scratched her head, her eyes closing as the purring intensified.

The door opened and Taehyung came into the room, his back T-shirt and jeans doing nothing to hide his muscles. "Good morning buttercup." He swooped down and took the cat off my chest, holding her close to him.

I rolled over and stretched my arms out, my eyes noticing the time displayed on the alarm clock.

"Shit I'm going to be late" I scrambled out of bed and ran to the closet, riffling through the shirts.

"Hey hey hey," He set the cat on the bed and walked over to me, his hand wrapping around my waist. "You have the day off today darling."

I shook my head "Natalie asked me to come in today to help with-" he shook his head, stopping me mid sentence. "I already talked to her, today is too important to have her steal you away from me."

I turned and wrapped my arms around his neck, breathing in his cologne, feeling the warmth of his skin against mine. I bent my head, leaning against him.

"Happy anniversary my love." I spoke softly, a smile playing across my lips.

He chuckled, pulling me over to the door "I have coffee ready for you darling, but take your time, we still have all the time in the world."

I followed him into the kitchen, our cat's shadow following behind us, meowing every now and then, asking for her food.

I opened the fridge and Taehyung brought over her bowl, stroking my hair away from my face as I opened the can and portioned the food in half, saving the second serving for later tonight. I set her bowl on the floor and she began to eat, purring loudly again.

I looked around me, taking in the sight of the kitchen, distracted at first with feeding my girl.

Every surface was covered in flowers, already arranged in vases, the scents of rose and Jasmin hanging in the air. The sunlight streamed in through the kitchen window, the breeze from outside seeming warmer then it had yesterday. I breathed in deeply, smiling as I felt my heart jump in my chest. This was so beautiful.

He handed me a steaming cup of coffee, sugar and creamer already added. "What are we doing today?" I asked, taking a small sip to see if my drink was to hot.

He leaned back against the counter "I have so many plans Jennie, but it's all going to be a surprise."

I scrunched my nose, making a face at him "I hate surprises."

"Too bad." he said, his eyes sparkling "I'v bought a new dress for you as well, you won't have to think of anything today."

"They don't need you out in the field today?"

He shook his head "No, Larx has that part covered."

If I had been told six years ago that Taehyung would end up working with the FBI again, I probably would have called whoever told me that a bad fucking liar. After a couple close calls with the law in the past couple years, Taehyung has become something of a consultant for their smuggling and distribution cases. His illegal dealing and true identity going completely under their radar.

"Thank you for the flowers." I whispered, moving closer to him and setting my cup down. He reached out and grasped my waist, pulling me closer to him. "It's you and me forever Jennie." He said softly, a hand cupping my face. "Are you happy?"

I leaned into his touch "Of course I'm happy Baby."

His eyes glistened in the sun, his smile making my heart warm in my chest.

"Good." his smile turned into a smirk "So when are you going to start having my babies, because this morning seems like a good time to get that started."

I choked slightly "Taehyung!"

"I'm just saying buttercup" he kissed my forehead lightly "but today is about you, and like I said, we've got all the time in the world."

"I swear to god Taehyung if my children end up getting your stalker gene I'll be pissed."

He winked "I'll teach them how to do it properly don't worry love."

I shook my head. I felt like I was floating, my cheeks hurting from smiling.

I really was happy. I didn't want for anything, my life finally feeling complete.

"I love you"

"I love you too, buttercup"

                <The End>

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