being sent back.

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"Hope are you sure this will work?"

"Mads trust me this is the only way now here"

Hope hands maddison a bag with stefan and elenas journals, the mikaelson family grimoires plus a couple that she stole from the boarding school, 5 bags of her blood and a black card with unlimited funds on aswell as her iphone 13 , airpods, macbook and Xbox X with controller. Lets just say her bags was basically weighing her down.

"Hope this is too much..! Why have you drained yourself of so much blood for!"

"Mads in order for this to work you have to have protection. This will ensure that okay? You have to focus on getting your mom and dad together and my dad and mom together. Keep him away from caroline and aunt elena away from damon salvatore."

Maddie sighs and nods. She puts her necklaces on and holds her cousins hands.

"Maybe make us another cousin from aunt bekah yeah mads?"

She nods and says the spell with hope.

"Audi haec verba, rithimum audi.  intendite spem in corde meo remittite eam ubi testa inveniet quod volumus in loco et tempore"

Hope says as maddie repeats the words in english

"hear these words, hear the rhyme. heed the hope within my mind send me back to where ill find what we wish in space and time"

Maddies pov:
I appear outside my fathers old hut that was still here in a clearing in the forrest. I sigh and redo it with my magic.

Feeling happy with my accomplishments i go inside and place everything down neatly and unpack

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Feeling happy with my accomplishments i go inside and place everything down neatly and unpack. I apparate myself to paris and choose a few outfits before paying and leaving. Then i go to a tattoo parlour but not before putting a glamor on so i look atleast 20.

"Hello id like a tattoo please." I say and she nods leading me over to a chair.

"What do you want done sweets?"

"I want 3 butterflies please. 1 pink, 1 purple and one blue and can i have of them slightly smaller then the other two please on my right shoulder blade and the second set i want 2 crowns one for a king and one for a queen on my wrist with the initals S.S + M.M please and can you mix this in with the ink?" Handing her vervain charming her to do the last bit. She goes into a daze and nods.

1 hour later-

Im finally done and went home. I put everything in my wardrobe and started studying the journals. That means tomorrow is when the plot starts. Grandma and grandpa die. I might turn them with hopes blood and keep them away til the times right though and spell them a dead corpse to look like them so liz has something to find. Also got to get her checked for cancer. For now i have to rest and then start my plan tomorrow. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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